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  • Jousting Skill: each fighter has a Jousting Skill Number. This is equal to his Strength, plus Intelligence, plus Dexterity, divided by 5, to which is added one half his experience level. Drop all fractions from the final total. When a Jousting Skill Roll is called for, roll 1d20 and get equal to or less than the Jousting Save number to succeed at the roll.
  • Aim Point: for each pass at the Joust, each jouster picks one of four Aim Points: Head, Body-Left, Body-Right, Horse. Targeting the horse is always a foul in a formal match and sees the jouster disqualified from the tournament.
  • Shield Position: for each pass at the Joust, each jouster picks one of four Shield Positions: High, Middle-Right, Middle-Left, or Low.


  1. Head vs. High:
  2. Head vs. Middle-Left:
  3. Head vs. Middle-Right:
  4. Head vs. Low
  5. Body-Left vs. High:
  6. Body-Left vs. Middle-Left
  7. Body-Left vs. Middle-right
  8. Body-Left vs. Low
  9. Body-Right vs. High
  10. Body-Right vs.. Middle-Left
  11. Body-Right vs. Middle-Right
  12. Body-Right vs. Low
  13. Horse vs. High
  14. Horse vs. Middle-Left
  15. Horse vs. Middle-Right
  16. Horse vs. Low
jousting_and_tournaments.1545237501.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/12/19 16:38 by dave