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While no settlements from Italy have yet been seen in the New World, Italian sailors and merchants from Venice, Genoa, Naples and Amalfi are to be found nearly everywhere that trade happens. Other Italians have followed in the train of churchmen sent from Rome or in the troops of Norman mercenaries from the Kingdom of Sicily.

Long the seat of civilization, the Italians are cultured and well-versed in language and religion throughout the world.

Primary Language: Italian. Secondary Language: English

Add +2 to your WIS attribute. Roll on the background event table below for an additional special feature.

Roll Event Attribute
1For months you helped your master prepare the dark ritual to summon an Imp from blood sacrifice. You slit his throat before he could murder the captive children, only to complete the murderous ritual yourself to take his power. You know the ritual to create imps, and you may have an imp servant
2In your nightmares, you hear dark whispered secrets of failures and desires others tell only themselves. Sometimes, you can hear these whispers during the day. Persuasion Proficiency
3Your eastern European ancestor is unnaturally long lived and healthy. Uncannily so. Some say you look just like him. Perhaps your ancestor is actually a vampire. Perhaps you are one as well?Add +2 additional hit points healed after a rest
4With your family's blessing, you have taken holy vows and traveled to the new world as a missionary. However, once you arrived you've struggled with your vows. You often find yourself tempted by worldly vices, and struggle privately with the frustrating sinister needs within your soul that threaten to explode.The character may enter a berserker rage. While enraged, he gains a +2 bonus to attack throws and becomes immune to fear. However, the character has a -2 penalty to AC and cannot retreat from combat. Once it has begun, a berserker rage cannot be ended until combat ends.
italian.1574786475.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/11/26 16:41 by andrew