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The Sacraments

These are key rituals that can be performed by ordained clergy, NPC or PC. These sacraments require no spell casting roll, if a properly ordained clergyman performs the ceremony, it is effective, regardless of his personal qualities or skill.

  • Baptism: first step of initiation into Christianity, removes the disadvantage to resist spiritual attack permanently. (R)
  • Confirmation: second step of initiation, permanently gives the Christian proficiency bonus in defending against spiritual attacks. (R)
  • Communion: third step of initiation, gives Christian advantage in defending against spiritual attack, from Communion to the next commission of sin. Communion can be repeated as needed, following confession of sin and appropriate penance. (R)
  • Penance: a priest or bishop, who hears confession of sin, can assign a task as penance for atonement of sin, making one eligible to receive communion. (R)
  • Anointing of the Sick: gives a sick person advantage on saves/checks to resist the disease. (R)
  • Marriage: sanctify a union (R)
  • Holy Orders: bishops only, ordain someone as a deacon, priest or bishop. (R)

Sacraments for other religions such as the Islamic Shahada or the Jewish Bar Mitzvah may provide similar effects.

sacraments.1579454872.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/01/19 17:27 by andrew