Fort Hydra

The domain of Fort Hydra is a small parcel of land around the stronghold. It is protected by the forces of the Hydra Legion and ruled by Muttering Osborn. The domain would be running a major deficit with the cost of the Hydra Legion, so Tiberio will continue to provide the funds needed to pay them, beyond the normal cost for enough garrison to keep the domain from descending into rebellion. (4/family with Muttering Osborn's charisma

32 square miles ~5.6 mile radius 6gp/family land revenue 74 families 888 gp/month gross - Land, Services, Taxes Neutral

Morale The citizens of Fort Hydra are loyal in their support of their leader which makes it hard for spies and thieves to operate.

Stronghold Stone Building surrounded by earthen ramparts - 23000gp Upkeep Cost: 115gp/month

Settlement Settlement Urban Investment - 1000gp The ruins of the former town of Edge lie empty at the moment with a handful of buildings still standing. The Wormcult attack drove off the inhabitants and Tiberio is currently working up plans to rebuild the town under the name Fort Hydra.

Garrison Hydra Legion

Garrison Cost: 2775gp/month

Tithes 10% of gross 96.2 gp

Festivals 123.3 gp/month