The Drake

The drake is an ancient vessel that predates the Ardeans. It is put together like a small longship with an amazing, otherworldly craftsmanship. It has serpent-themed accents and its prow carries the snakes heads of five dragons. It is 50’ long and can carry a crew of up to 60 sailors and a captain, 50 of which may row if there is no wind. Additionally, if the captain sacrifices 20 spell-levels of spells he may make The Drake fly at a tactical speed of 30’/round for a 12-hour period. If the captain sacrifices 40 spell-levels they may make The Drake fly at four times that speed (120’/round) over the same 12-hour period. The Drake includes braces to be put out so that it may set down on land without crash-landing. If The Drake’s captain perishes or leaves the ship for any reason, it will stop moving and slowly descend at a rate of 30’/round until it crash lands. A crash landing may harm The Drake.