Steven J. Gunderson

Xp 29. Seasoned

Hindrances: Lame (Major), Hard of Hearing (minor) -2 notice sounds, Loyal (minor)

Arcane Background: Weird Science, 10 base points, 1 power: burst
Extra Power: Deflection
Extra Power: Healing
Power Points: +5

Skills Weird Science: d10
Driving: d6
Shooting: d6
Investigation: d8
Fighting: d6
Repair: d10
Notice: d4
Stealth: d4


Grampa Steve's Photon Helmet (burst power, light trapping, 15pp, 2/shot) Cone, 2d8—HW–+4 AP

Grampa Steve's Electro Vest (deflection power, electricity trapping, 15pp, 2pp/use, 3 round +1/round) -2 to attacks targeting wearer, -4 if raise, or +2/+4 armor vs Area of Effect; Jazz: +1 power point +2 pace, raise Agility 1 die

Grampa Steve's Disinfection Ray: (healing power, 15pp, 3pp/use) heals 1 wound, 2 on raise, within 1 hour, touch).