**Class Structure:** * __Outlaws__: anyone who does not have leave to be in the city. Can be imprisoned or expelled at any time. * __Vagrants__: poor outsiders excluded from the city. Merchants and artisans of high repute have permission to hire them as day laborers. As long as the vagrant is closely supervised by the employer, he can remain in the city during daylight hours. Vagrants also have permission to be in the Dock District. * __Travelers__: anyone who comes to the city and duly registers with the customs house. Has the freedom to buy, sell and move about the city. If the person is poor, carries no money or goods, he is likely to be turned away. Travelers must leave any weaponry, except for daggers or staffs at the customs house. If the traveler is of noble or knightly origin and is vouched for by a local noble, he may carry a rapier, short sword or longsword as a side arm. The dwarves of the headlands and Iron Hills have the right to carry axes and hammers in town as part of a treaty. * __Citizens__:children of citizens, or those added to the lists by request of the Lord Mayor are full citizens of the city. All male citizens must be enlisted in a militia company and are assigned appropriate duties (not to exceed 40 days per year) by the captains, until age of 60. Citizens have the right to carry any armament. * __Knights__: citizens who have performed valiant service for the city are often knighted. Militia captains, successful ship captains, bold explorers or merchant-venturers are among the most commonly knighted. Knights have a multitude of minor privileges and perks, but most importantly they have easy access to the Lord Mayor. Many knights are employed in the household guard of noble families. * __Nobles__: There are 14 noble houses, including the one to which the mayor belongs, and the ruling family of the Rockhard clan of dwarves. The head of each house is titled “Lord”, and any person whose great-grandfather was a Lord, is deemed to be of noble status and has various privileges and rights. Every piece of land in the city is owned by one of the 14 lords, who are unable to sell any portion, therefore most houses and stores are held in 99-year leaseholds.