**GLORTHO** Race: human, Class: Warlock (star pact) Level: 5 Alignment: Unaligned **DEFENSES:** AC 16 Fortitude 17 Reflex 16 Will 16 Initiative: +3 Move 6” Surges Per Day 10 Hit Points: 55 Bloodied: 27 Heal per Surge 13 hp **ABILITIES** STR 10 (+0) DEX 12 (+1) CON 18 (+4) INT 15 (+2) WIS 11 (+0) CHA 14 (+2) **FEATS** Improved Fate of the Void, Ritual Caster, Linguist, Toughness **SKILLS** Arcana, History, Insight, Religion **LANGUAGES** Common, Supernal, Abyssal, Primordial **CLASS FEATURES** Prime Shot, Shadow Walk, Warlock’s Curse, Fate of the Void **PROFICIENCIES** Armor: Cloth and Leather Implements: rod, wand, pact blade Weapons: simple melee, simple ranged **SPELLS** __At-Will:__ Dire Radiance, Eldritch Blast, Hellish Rebuke __Encounter__: Dreadful Word, Ethereal Stride, Frigid Darkness __Daily:__ Dread Star, Hunger of Hadar __Rituals__: Silence, Tenser’s Floating Disk, Make Whole **GEAR:** Magic Rod +2, Ironskin belt, Everlasting Provisions, mace, leather armor, ritual book **ATTACKS** Attack Range Att/Dam Defense Notes Basic Mace Att --- +4/1d8 AC At will, standard Dire Radiance 10 +8/1d6+6 Fortitude At will, stand, rad. Fear (Rod) Eldritch Blast 10 +8/1d10+6 Reflex At will, stand, (Rod) Hellish Rebuke 10 +8/1d6+6 Reflex At will, fire, stand (Rod) Dreadful Word 5 +6/2d8+4 Will Enc, stand, fear, psychic, (Rod) Frigid Darkness 10 +8/2d8+6 Fortitude Enc, stand, cold, fear (Rod) Dread Star 10 +6/3d6+4 Will Daily, stand, fear, rad, (Rod) Hunger of Hadar B1 10 special special Daily, stand, necrotic (Rod) __+2 Rod:__ all powers with (Rod) marked have the rod’s +2 bonus factored in. Any critical hit with the rod does 2d6 extra damage. __Dire Radiance__: if target moves nearer to you next turn, it takes 1d6+6 more damage __Hellish Rebuke:__ if you take damage before end of next turn, target takes 1d6+6 more __Dreadful Word__: target also has –3 Will defense until end of your next turn __Dread Star__: target immobilized until end of your next turn __Frigid Darkness:__ target also grants combat advantage to all and is minus 2AC until end of your next turn. __Hunger of Hadar__: until end of your next turn, creates burst of darkness blocking line of sight, all who enter or begin turn in it take 2d10 necrotic damage. As a minor action, you can sustain the field, making secondary attack against all inside (+8/1d6+6 Fortitude) **OTHER COMBAT BONUSES/POWERS** __Prime Shot__: if no allies closer to target than you, get +1 to ranged attacks __Warlock’s Curse:__ minor action, curse closest enemy, get +1d6 damage on attacks (__Improved) Fate of the Void__: if a cursed enemy reaches 0 hit points, you get +2 on any 1 d20 roll you choose, must use before end of your next turn. __Ironskin Belt__: minor action, daily, get 5 resistance to weapons until end of next turn