**LIVING IN IRONGATE** - __Short Term Lodging In Irongate__: Common Room FLoor: Docks: 3cp, Center/West: 5cp, East/Dwarf 1sp, North: --- Regular Room: Docks: 1sp, Center/West 2sp, East/Dwarf 3sp, North 5sp Luxury Room: Docks 2gp, Center/West 5gp, East/Dwarf 8gp, North 10gp - __Long-term Lodging in Irongate:__ Slum Room (10x10) 2gp per month Slum House (20x20, 1 story) 10gp per month, 300gp lease Average Room (10x15), 4gp per month Average House (wood, 30x30, 2 story) 20gp per month, 1000gp lease Good Room (15x15)L 10gp per month Good House (stone, 30x30, 2 story) 50gp per month, 5000gp lease The lease is for 99 years, and is the closest one can come to purchase, since all land is owned by the noble lords. - __Long-term Food__ Basic Groceries: 5gp per person per month (grain, beans, oil, some jerky and bacon) Fresh Groceries: 11gp per person per month (fresh meat, vegetables, cake, bread) Cook-cart Food: 3gp per person per month (mystery stew, mystery gruel) Common Tavern Food: 12gp per person per month (bread, stew, soup) Good Tavern Food: 20gp per person per month (meat, pie, bread, vegetables) * __Consequence of Poor Living__: * //Poor housing//: If you decide or are forced to live in slum housing or long-term sleeping on the common room floor, begin the first encounter of the new adventure with 1 fewer healing surge due to lice infestation or finster weevils or boils. * //Poor Food//: If you eat from exclusively Cook-cart food between adventures, begin the first encounter of the new adventure missing 2 healing surges due to the trots.