**THE MILITARY** * __City Regiment__: The city of Irongate depends on a citizens’ militia for its defense. Of the 50,000 inhabitants of the city, about 10,000 are deemed to be eligible for call up, of which around 1000 have permanent employment with a noble house. The cream of the militia is the City Regiment, a crack force of 2000 men armed with polearms and crossbows. The regiment is divided into 10 companies of 200 men each. 1 company is on full active service at all times (rotating through the year). The City Regiment garrisons the Iron Gate (at least 10 men at all times) and the City Garrison (at least 30 men at a time, but this includes those asleep or off duty). It is common to see Regimental Patrols of 10 sweeping through the North, East, Center and West Districts of the city, and occasionally even the Docks. Use the Human Guard stats from the MM to represent the City Regiment. * __Dwarf Regiment__: The Dwarves have their own regiment of 400 dwarf soldiers, divided into 40 squads of 10 dwarves each. They have primary responsibility for watching the Onnwal Gate and Harbor Bastion, with a squad of 10 stationed at each at all times, and a further squad of 10 patrolling the dwarf district. Use the Dwarf Bolter stats from the MM to represent the Dwarf soldiers. * __Reserve Regiments__: The Remaining 6000 militia of the city are less well armed and trained. Most are either sailors armed with crossbows or less well trained citizens. These reserve regiments are tasked with guarding the gates into the dock district, manning the wall towers and patrolling the wall parapets, and patrolling the streets and city buildings. Use either Human Rabble or Human Bandits from the MM, except change the equipment to crossbows, spears/polearms and leather armor. * __Household Guards__: each of the 13 human noble families maintains a household guard. These number from only 10 men of the House Carter, to 100 men of the Mayor's guard. There are around 1000 men in the household guards at any one time, and these are the city's only full time soldiers. In fact, it is the main duty of the noble houses to lead the vanguard of the city's wars with their guards.