**THE COUNTY OF SUNNDI** * **Population**: The county consists of 50,000 humans, 7000 Eladrin, 3000 Dwarves and 2000 gnomes. Its capital is the town of Pitchfield (pop 3600). * **History**: Sunndi, because it is surrounded by natural barriers, fared the best in the war against the Great Kingdom. However, in days since, it has had to deal with creatures from the Vast Swamp, raids from the Sea Barons and the Evil Priests of Medegia. * **Adventure:** the Eladrin of Sunndi are rumored to have a secret city or castle somewhere in the area. The Vast Swamp is filled with mysterious creatures. The Hestmark Highlands nearby is a wild place filled with feuding clans, bandits and rebels. Count Raymond is very friendly to outsiders, especially adventurers who might help protect his people.