1. Short Term Lodging In Irongate:

Common Room FLoor: Docks: 3cp, Center/West: 5cp, East/Dwarf 1sp, North: —

Regular Room: Docks: 1sp, Center/West 2sp, East/Dwarf 3sp, North 5sp

Luxury Room: Docks 2gp, Center/West 5gp, East/Dwarf 8gp, North 10gp

  1. Long-term Lodging in Irongate:

Slum Room (10×10) 2gp per month

Slum House (20×20, 1 story) 10gp per month, 300gp lease

Average Room (10×15), 4gp per month

Average House (wood, 30×30, 2 story) 20gp per month, 1000gp lease

Good Room (15×15)L 10gp per month

Good House (stone, 30×30, 2 story) 50gp per month, 5000gp lease

The lease is for 99 years, and is the closest one can come to purchase, since all land is owned by the noble lords.

  1. Long-term Food

Basic Groceries: 5gp per person per month (grain, beans, oil, some jerky and bacon)

Fresh Groceries: 11gp per person per month (fresh meat, vegetables, cake, bread)

Cook-cart Food: 3gp per person per month (mystery stew, mystery gruel)

Common Tavern Food: 12gp per person per month (bread, stew, soup)

Good Tavern Food: 20gp per person per month (meat, pie, bread, vegetables)