=====Tony "Two Bits" Maroni===== Anthony Maroni (a.k.a. Tony "Two-Bits") was a capo in the Chicago Outfit. Al Capone sent him to Gotham in order to set up an operation using the port of Gotham to import quality liquor from overseas. The project was a success, and eventually led to Moroni setting up his own "Family" in Gotham. Maroni is by nature cheap and suspicious. He's called "two-bits" because that's the limit he's willing to spend on anything before he starts to hem, haw and complain about it. He hates spending money when violence would work just as well. But, he is a rational man and has made peace with the rival [[falcone_family|Falcone Family]] because of orders from the Mafia Commission. He killed his own cousin Benny Maroni because he became suspicious of his loyalties when he married the sister of the leader of the [[east_siders|The East Siders Gang]], despite the fact that the marriage had been Tony's own idea. As one might expect, he prefers extortion and force to bribery in dealing with city officials and the law. His lackeys will sometimes pay bribes, be he himself never authorizes them from his own money. Two-Bits lives in a shabby house in the East End. {{::moroni.jpg?300|}}