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May 3, 2013

Opening Scene

Narrator: The year is 1940. Sitting at a table in a tiny basement café in Poland, Mikhail stares at the quiet group of mortals as they nervously eat their meals. Beside him is his hateful sire, Vykost. She smiles warmly and turns to Mikhail.

Vykost: Not so bad a crowd, eh? Even with all the misery and strife that is going on mortals can find a way to enjoy life. If only the rest of our clan could learn from these simple souls.

Mikhail: I’m worried, my lord. What is taking her so long?

Vykost: She will be here you insect! Then we’ll be gone. Europe is once again in flames. It is time for us to go elsewhere. Perhaps Africa. Or the new world. Yes, there we’ll prosper once again.

Narrator: A visibly shaken young woman appears at the door. Mikhail relaxes perceptibly as Mikhail’s own childe Elizabeth Sofia joins them at the table. Elizabeth gives Mikhail a kiss on the cheek and addresses him by his nickname – “Misha”.

Elizabeth : Misha, I’m so sorry…

Vykost: Finally!

Mikhail: Let’s get out of here. The car is waiting out back… Elizabeth : No please! I need to tell you before anything happens…

Narrator: There are screams from the door. Uniformed Nazis burst into the tiny café. They point at the three Lasombra. “There are the traitors! Get them!”

Elizabeth : Please know that I have truly love you, Mikhail. I’m sorry.

Narrator: Mikhail is a blur of action. His pistols are deadly, and the Nazi ghouls fall at his feet. However, soon he is engulfed in darkness as the battle is joined by the Nazi’s true masters. Vykost’s shadowy amorphous form wrestles with three others within the complete and utter darkness. Mikhail is hit, but finds himself free out on the street.

Mikhail: Elizabeth !

Narrator: The Sabbat are too much for Mikhail. He flees into the crisp fall night. He looks back to see a Nazi-uniformed Sabbat drag Elizabeth’s limp body from the café. The Archbishop’s predatory smile will haunt Mikhail forever.


Narrator: The year is now 2013. Mikhail did eventually make his way to America. He awakens this night in a strange haven, worried that he is being tracked. As he steps out of the old, abandoned farmhouse and walks toward his car parked in the barn he thinks back on Elizabeth and his hated sire Vykost. Then he hears a noise. He draws his pistols. Two men dressed in black with futuristic-looking rifles appear out of nowhere. Once again, Mikhail is fighting for his life.


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