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This is a list of active news items for the campaign.

A gang war a month ago in York's Penn Park produced a considerable body count and racked up some heavy property damage, but in the fire it has purged a large number of undesirable elements from York's underworld. All Underworld influence is useless until the chains of command in these shadowy groups are rebuilt.

The radio station formerly known as the "Voice of New Life" has been shut down and purchased. It sits quiet on Route 30 East now under new management.

A new establishment is being constructed in Stewartstown named "Anarchy". Look for the grand opening shortly!
This group of locals believes that the world would be better off without the meddling of evil doers. The "vampries" mentioned in the name. They want to see a whole class of establishments and individuals run straight out of York. Some say they indend to break to the law to do so if necessary.
This group of locals believes that the world would be better off without the meddling of evil doers. The "vampries" mentioned in the name. They want to see a whole class of establishments and individuals run straight out of York. Some say they indend to break to the law to do so if necessary.

The "No To Vampires" legal team is led by an attorney named Kris Ryder.

Some of the leaders of the "No To Vampires" group include one of Marc Lewis' sons, and Stu Phillips.
A small Mennonite farm just across the river in Lancaster was killed with a weaponized hepatitis virus. Hepatitis is a blood-borne disease. While it is harmless to Kindred, it could probably be spread by the undead. The weaponized hepatitis would only kill if the virus is injected into the victim.
A family in York City was killed by a mysterious blood-borne disease. Your research reveals that they were also killed by a form of weaponized hepatitis. The weaponized hepatitis would only kill if the virus is injected into the victim.
The family physician of the Menonnite farm was a travelling doctor named "Woodrow Knot". He was last seen in downtown York. He has since disappeared. Neighbors say this doctor visited the farm the night before the farm family was found dead.
You have learned of a new weaponized strain that struck another household in Spring Grove, PA. The mother was found dead, and her husband and three teenaged to college age sons have gone missing. A neighbor saw a young woman stop by the night before they contracted the disease. She was dressed conservatively with a black sheer shawl covering a gnarly looking stump where her left arm should have been.

The McKeon Industrial Group is a well-funded labratory based in West York dedicated to weaponizing some new developments in the ectoplasmic arena. Although many researchers criticize the group as being involved in quack "ghost gun research", the group's activities continue to win both public and private funding.

One of its recent creations has been the flamelance, a high-energy device for tracking and capturing ghosts.

James Dukes went on a killing spree slaying a host of folks from the occult community. He was released after pleading insanity and serving five years in prison. He said that it was the voice of God that drove him to the killings.

James Dukes went on a killing spree slaying a host of folks from the occult community. He was released after pleading insanity and serving five years in prison. He said that it was the voice of God that drove him to the killings.

James Dukes is a very dangerous, supernatural killer. He works for the highest bidder, and is not necessarily motivated by religion or dogma.

James Dukes is being released into the custody of Stu Phillips, a deacon in the New Life Church of Red Lion, PA.

A member of the New Life Church in Red Lion, Stu Phillips is a local security expert. He is well known as a weapons collector.

Marc Lewis is a Pennsylvaina state senator heavily involved in leading the effort to arm Pennsylvaina State employees. He is an avid supporter and member of the New Life Church in Red Lion, PA. In the past he has spoken out vehemently against those who aren't able to defend themselves with weaponry. He has written about the upcoming end of the world and believes that he fights on the side of the angels against the forces of Satan. He has a wife and two grown sons who all live in the area.

The New Life Church is a mega-church associated with the protestant born-again movement. They believe that in order to achieve heaven, everyone must undergo a "spiritual rebirth" and be born again. That means they must have experienced some sort of supernatural or emotional transformation, which is confusing and unidentifiable. Is this "rebirth" just a metaphor for giving one's self to Christ? Or does it have a more sinister meaning?

The New Life Church is a mega-church associated with the protestant born-again movement. They believe that in order to achieve heaven, everyone must undergo a "spiritual rebirth" and be born again. That means they must have experienced some sort of supernatural or emotional transformation, which is confusing and unidentifiable. Is this "rebirth" just a metaphor for giving one's self to Christ? Or does it have a more sinister meaning?

A group of elite hunters are based within the New Life Church compound, including James Dukes, the so-called Clown killer. Dukes is known for a series of murders of many within the occult community. The compound itself boasts an electrified chain link fence and three guard towers regularly patrolled by armed guards.

Chief of police Withers has not been seen in over a month. A trusted lieutenant is running the police department in his absence.

Chief of police Withers has not been seen in over a month. A trusted lieutenant is running the police department in his absence. Withers and his mistress were on a romantic hike through the Appalachain Trail. Unfortunately, he was found

The New Life Church is founded by Kevin Wolf, an entrepreneur in genetically modified foods along with his wife Sonya.

Sonya Wolf, a noted evangelical theologian, spends a whole lot of time in and around the New Life Church as both a financier and speaker.

Pentex is a multi-national megacorporation, one of the largest in the world. Originally an oil and mining company, Pentex is now a holding company with a host of subsidiaries covering every industry.

Pentex is a multi-national megacorporation, one of the largest in the world. Originally an oil and mining company, Pentex is now a holding company with a host of subsidiaries covering every industry.

Pentex's main agenda is the spiritual, moral and environmental corruption of the planet. Its paper trails are labyrinthine and its directives subtle. Only a few are aware of its true nature, and fewer still have any idea how to combat it. Pentex has near limitless supernatural resources as well, employing powerful mages, werewolves, ghosts, and, if the rumours are true, even a few Kindred in upper management positions. But while the corporation is certainly tainted, many of its operations further the Wyrm's goals without supernatural assistance through the standard practices of big business. Such schemes are perpetrated by normal humans who are "just doing their jobs," corrupted by nothing more than apathy and despair.

The Parkway Gang is the dominant street gang in Downtown York based on the North side of the city. They dabble in drug dealing, but are mostly a group ready to do violence for hire.

The Scarfo Family is a smaller crime family out of Lancaster and Harrisburg. They traffic mostly in loan sharking and extortion.

The Pagan Motorcycle Gang operates in South-East Pennsylvania. They do a variety of mobile and courier jobs for the underworld.

An african-american gang based in Harrisburg. They are involved mostly in drug distribution and prostitution.

A skinhead group based in Hanover known for their hate and their love of weaponry.
The Junior Black Mafia is funded by a group known as "NoknokWhozthere" or NNWT.
The Scarfo Family is a Mafia group run by Benito Scarfo. Their money laundered through banks territories that were once part of the British Empire.