1–Up to Gnome Good delivers Scouting Report to the Cat Crew
2–Cat Crew destroys the Hobgoblin Warlord Gorrak and his fortress
3–Cat Crew wipes out a lair of Yetis high in the Ostkrags.
4–Cat Crew negotiates with Dwarves of Dwergontia
11–Cat Crew kill the Black Dragon of the mountains. Shumphold is unsuccessfully attacked by Hobgoblins while they are away, defended by Up to Gnome Good, the Ratburg Chuckers and Mighty Fist.
14 Zerkwad arranges a “treaty” with a nest of large birds.
15–The Cat Crew attempts to cow Goatburg into vassalage, but when Mrow slaughters a score of innocent villagers, the Champion Machiste arrives to set things right. Machiste kills Mrow, but is then killed himself by the Crew.
16–Zerkwad raises Mrow from the dead.
25–Zerkwad recovers from the raising.
26–The Cat Crew assaults and sacks the war camp of the Hobgoblin Sorcerer Blaztok. Dr Fang and Delicate Lily were both killed in the fighting.