Cyclopian Clubs

Gangs of Cyclopians are most commonly found in Algart.

Classes: Fighter, Jack, Magic-User
Size: Large, 1d8 HD
Move: 30’
Stat Mods: +1 STR, -1 WIS, -1 CHA
Vision: Monocular
Special Advantage: Cheese Feaster

Cyclopians are a species of humanoids who grow to about 7-8’ tall and have a single large eye in the center of their foreheads. Like all size L mortals, they can use many large weapons in one hand, but cannot ride horses and must pay double for all armor. Because they have monocular vision, Cyclopians have a -2 on their “to hit” rolls with all missile weapons (shot or hurled). Cyclopians are raised on a diet of mountain goat cheese, and so when they eat a hunk of cheese after a battle, it heals 2 hit points of damage (once per battle).

Cyclopians are generally friendly with the much larger true Cyclopses who look upon them much as humans do halflings.