We’re going to scrap the Blueholme/Holmes Basic Initiative Sequence for most purposes, keeping it for larger-scale miniatures battles for which it is better suited.
Instead we are going to use a simpler traditional 1d6 side/side initiative.
Before the first round, each side rolls 1d6 for surprise when 2 sides meet each other.
Result of 1: that side is surprised for 1 round, does nothing
Result of 2; that side is surprised for 2 rounds, does nothing.
If one side is invisible, hidden in shadows, moving silently out of direct vision or otherwise completely undetected, it automatically is not surprised, and the other side rolls 1d6, with 1-3 equals surprised for 1 round, 4-6 equals surprised for 2 rounds.
Bugbears surprise modification is replaced with the Move Silently skill. Satyrs surprise ability is replaced with Hide in Forest skill.
At the beginning of each round, each side rolls 1d6, with the side with the higher roll gaining the initiative and acting first. The winning side may choose to give up the initiative and let the other side go first, who in turn can refuse and then there must be a re-roll. If the result is a tie, then each individual combatant will go in order of decreasing Dexterity Score; the Judge may divide groups of enemies (especially large ones) assigning 1/3 of them a DEX order 3 points higher than indicated, and another 1/3 a DEX order 3 points lower than indicated.
Each combatant on the winning side moves and makes his attack in either order.
On the player character side, the PC with the highest CHA decides which combatant acts in what order, if there is a conflict/dispute.
Combatants may interlace actions and moves with each other, but each must complete move before attack or attack before move. Example: Fred can move, then Joe shoots, than Fred shoots and then Joe moves. However, Fred can’t take half his move, then attack (or let Joe attack) and then complete the move.
When the first side has finished all its actions, the second side then carries out its moves and attacks and then initiative is re-rolled.
When both sides have completed their actions, any necessary Morale Checks are made.
Special Features
Spells: if a caster is hit in combat by any damage-causing attack, he may not cast a spell or use a scroll for that round. He may still drink a potion, use a focus or other magic item.
Missile Weapons: a missile weapon with a ROF of 2 can make 2 attacks per round, but gets the second attack only if the shooter does not move. Reloading a crossbow takes both the move and attack of the crossbowman (2 such rounds for a heavy crossbow).
Action Economy
Each combatant has 1 Attack Action and 1 Movement Action to use each round.
The following actions spend the Attack Action for the round:
Attacking with a melee or missile weapon, or throwing a flask
Casting a spell
Attempting to Rally followers who have failed morale.
Using a scroll, potion, focus or other magic item that requires activation
Using an Alchemical Device or Product
Changing Weapons (attack OR movement), if your weapon is a Fast Draw Weapon like a knife, dagger or sword, it can be drawn without losing an action (but you have to drop whatever else had been in your hand). If you succeed at a Quick Draw skill roll, you can change weapons at no action cost.
The following actions spend the Movement Action for the round:
Moving up to your normal movement allowance
Stand up from prone position
Mount or dismount from a horse
Attempt to move silently or hide in the shadows (may move 1/2 of normal allowance, succeed or fail).
Make a second shot with a ROF 2 missile weapon
Changing Weapons (attack OR movement), if your weapon is a Fast Draw Weapon like a knife, dagger or sword, it can be drawn without losing an action (but you have to drop whatever else had been in your hand). If you succeed at a Quick Draw skill roll, you can change weapons at no action cost.
The following actions spend BOTH the Movement and the Attack actions for the round:
Reloading a Crossbow (this and next round for Heavy Crossbow)
Picking up an object from the ground
Make a Fighting Withdraw
Run (double move allowance)
Charge (at least 15’, up to double, into contact making an attack)
Administering First Aid or attempting other non-combat skill (Judge’s option)
There are extra actions that can be taken as a result of circumstance that do not spend the Attack or Movement for the round:
Making an Extra Attack against a fleeing enemy (1 for most characters, 2 for fighters)
Fighter Rampage Extra Attacks (up to 8)
Weapon Length Extra Attack (at most 1, when first contact is made)
Rolling 20+ Extra Attack (at most 1 as result of rolling 20+)
Weapon Speed Extra Attack (second attack for using a light weapon against a heavier one no extra action)
Shield Sacrifice (1 per round)