Rules : Rangers | Back to Rules |
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As per discussions on various bulletin boards, I agree that the ranger becomes an 'inferior' class as it is described in the PHB once past level seven. Assuming that you all agree with me, I propose that in the future we use the alternate Ranger class defined below. All PHB Ranger information is valid with the following additions/changes:
Class Skills:
Class Features: Weapons: Rangers are proficient with all Martial and Simple weapons. Spells: As Per PHB Ranger but with Fairie Fire added as a Ranger 1 spell. Ambidexterity/Two-Weapon Fighting: In place of the Ambidexterity and 2-Weapon Fighting 'virtual feats' a ranger may choose a single paired feat from the list below. These are to be treated as "virtual feats" in all respects and suffer the same penalties as the standard ranger virtual feats, applying only if the ranger is wearing light armor or no armor. Note that as virtual feats that have a built-in restriction, though they CAN be used to fulfill the prerequisite requirements of other feats, those other feats will also be unusable should the ranger be wearing heavy or medium armor. The choice made should be reflective of the culture of the campaign region from where the ranger hails and/or the core character concept.
Ambidexterity and Two-Weapon fighting (as per standard ranger in PHB with the exception that it CAN be used with double-weapons as well, after all, Robin Hood was a master with the quarter staff) Track: Rangers get Track as a bonus feat at first level. Favored Prey: At first and every other level after that rangers get a point of Favored Prey. Points of Favored Prey may be spent on creature types from Table 3-14 to gain or upgrade bonuses against those creatures. A maximum of five points can be placed in any one creature type. For each point of Favored Prey in a creature type, the ranger gets +1 to Bluff, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, and Wilderness Lore checks against that creature type. He also gets this bonus to attack and damage when using melee weapons or ranged weapons within 30'. Chosen Terrain Bonus: At second level a Ranger chooses a Chosen Terrain. He gets a +1 to Animal Empathy, Hide, Intuit Direction, Move Silently, and Wilderness Lore checks while in his Chosen Terrain due to his familiarity with the surroundings. Every six levels after second (8th, 14th and 20th.) a Ranger's chosen terrain bonuses advance by +1 and he may choose another terrain at +1. The terrains are listed on Table 9-5: Terrain and Overland movement. Consult with your DM to add other types of terrain for your ranger on a case-by-case basis. Overland Movement: The Ranger may attempt to use his Wilderness Lore skill to improve his movement rate in trackless terrain (from Table 9-5, PHB) by finding the optimum way through the terrain. If walking, it requires a DC20 check once per day. If hustling, it requires a DC20 check once per hour. Effect: If alone the Ranger is able to traverse the terrain as if on a "highway". If leading a party of other people, he is able to lead them as if on a "road/trail". Bonus Feats: A Ranger gets a bonus feat at 4th and every five levels after that (Levels 9, 14 and 19). This in addition to the bonus Track feat at level one. These bonus feats must come from the following list of feats: Alertness, Endurance, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Run, Skill Focus, and Toughness. The Ranger's saves and attack bonuses are unchanged. |