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Issue 2, Povem 12th 468

“All the Hacks that are fit to print”



Dateline, Baltburg, Povem the 12th,

by Agrippa Talanton (an selection from his latest sermon)

            Ladies, Gentlemen and Good Folk, as I crusade for Bor, I have faced many an obstacle.  Yet the most disturbing is the rottenness of soul that causes the weak minded to defy the evident wonder of the Law of Bor.  Just this very week when I journeyed deep into the heart of evil and undeath in the Wasteland, one of my sorest woes was the blasphemy of a supposed companion.  He befouled the world with mockery and heresy, and his end came swiftly.  I saw a fiend from Hell swoop upon us and of all our godly band, this Devil slew only the blasphemer, the Power of Bor protects those who respect his Law.



Dateline, Baltburg,  Quoct 29th

By Horatio Falkenstein, bard

            I have seen many acts of piety in my life, yet the penance of an honorable knight struck me as worthy of note.  Sir Malakai, recently famous for foiling a plot against the Count of Storm Eagle, has undertaken an impressive pilgrimage.  Atoning for some minor sins he has vowed to walk from Ludwig to Weston, stopping at every church on the way to beg forgiveness for his sins.  Such devotion to the Law of Bor is an inspiration in these dark times.


News in brief

Baltburg:  Local notable Tobar was heard to say, Malakai is a glory-hungry faker, he should be crawling from church to church.

Ludwig: If you bought any deer bologna in the last two weeks, throw it away, it’s not deer meat.  Granny Holdbean offers her apologies.  The trapper Silas Munk is hereby banned form the outpost.

Pep:  the Jakbar fund has reached its goal, praise Bor! 


News from afar

Western Marches: a small monastery in the mountains has been attacked and the monks murdered.  Reports also have come in that a colony of Guardian Owls faithful to Bor and their halfling retainers out in the Melvek wilds have been massacred.  What could this all mean?