Map of Caedes
The Legacy of the Seven Swords
The Empire of Acherousia is crumbling under its own weight and bureaucracy. Individual wizard-kings struggle for more power and wealth against the others. Built on the dynasty left from the undead Elven ruler Ambitrax, the Empire of Acherousia consumes the lifeblood of other factions on the world of Caedes. Acherousia has been the mighiest power on the world for quite a long time, but that time is over.
The Legacy of Caedes is a wargame campaign setting that I hope will provide a glimpse into the early days of the Empire of the Seven Swords. The scenarios are set before the crusade that crushed the wizard-kings of Acherousia when subjects of the magocracy were just winning free of their servitude.
Each player will be assigned one or more factions to play in the scenarios. The factions are:
Acherousian (Human) -- The forces of the Empire of Acherousia.
Dawnian (Human) -- The forces united under the faith to Bor revolting against the magocracy of Acherousia.
Dwarven -- The Dwarves who of the adopted city state of Anvilhome.
High Elves -- The Elves of the island nation of Estlon.
Lizardmen -- The Lizardmen of the Dilgac islands and southern swamps.
Orc -- The Orcs, Ogres, and Goblinoids of the Melvek and Gormak wilds.
Wood Elves -- The Elves of the southeast Caedes forests, particularly the Duriak in the lower southeast coast.
Each faction takes its turn collecting resources, moving units, fighting battles, and creating new units in the following order.
Turn Order:
Wood Elves
High Elves
Each player in turn follows this procedure:
Turn Procedure:
1. Resolve Trade
During this section, the player is fee to trade any Commodities or Resource Points (RP) to other factions. Trade for commodities and RP must be done above board. In other words, there is no rooking someone on a trade. However, if part of a deal includes something non-RP and/or non-commodity related that is not a requisite of the game. For example, the Dwarven faction gives the Orcish faction a deal on a trade for some of their iron commodity in exchange for a pledge from the Orcs that they will not attack. Later on, the Orcs may attack anyway.
2. Redeem Commodities
The six commodities of the game add elements of role playing and diplomacy to the game. Many provinces produce commodities and/or Resource Points for the faction that owns them. There are special provinces that produce several commodities for the province's owner. Depending on the commodity, these commodities may be traded in on a one-for-one basis for a specific benefit such as a lower cost for a particular unit or a lower upkeep cost for existing units. However, if several different types of commodities are traded in a geometrically greater number of RPs can be generated. In other words, the more different commodities traded in at the same time, the bigger the RP output. See the tables below for single commodity trade-in uses as well as multiple commodity trade-in values.
Commodities/Redeem Values:
Cloth (found in many swamp provinces) -2 cost to buy a ship unit, only one commodity can be used per unit (no free units bought on only commodities!)
Grain (found in many plains provinces) -1 cost to buy an infantry unit, only one commodity can be used per unit
Iron (found in many mountain provinces) +1 RP
Livestock (found in many hill provinces) -1 cost to buy a cavalry unit, only one commodity can be used per unit
Salt (found in many shore provinces) -1 upkeep cost to exiting units
Timber (found in many forest provinces) -3 cost to buy a tower unit. Only one commodity can be used per unit
3 Different Commodities - 2RP
4 Different Commodities - 3RP
5 Different Commodities - 5RP
6 Different Commodities - 8RP
3. Collect RPs and Commodities
During this section, the faction collects RPs and commodities from all provinces held since the faction's last turn. During the first turn, each faction collects RPs and commodities from each province they control.
4. Pay upkeep
During this section, the faction must pay 1RP for every six units or fraction of six units under its control. Note that undead units are exempt from this rule. If for any reason this upkeep cannot be paid, the faction player must immediately disband (remove from the board) units that cannot be upkept. A faction may voluntarily disband any unit or units during this phase in order to keep from paying upkeep.
5. Buy new units
During this section, the faction may choose to buy units from the appropriate order of battle list. Note that the units are not mustered (placed on the game board) until a later section of the faction's turn. Try to think in advance about what the faction will need.
6. Movement
During this section, the faction may choose to move none, some, or all of their movement-eligible units (no towers get to move!). A unit can move up to a number of provinces based on its move score, with the following restrictions. In the case of a province with several different terrains, the unit affected by terrain rules gets to choose which one to use for both movement and combat. For example, a Wood Elven force is attacked by a Lizard Man force in a province with forest, swamp, and plains. The wood elves can use their woodlore attribute to add to their defense value, but the lizardmen may also use their missile attributes because they decide to use the swamp as their terrain.
Land units may also forfeit their normal movement for a boarding move. A boarding move may be used to board a ship in an adjacent sea province, and later in the movement phase (presumably after the ship has moved) to leave the ship and enter an adjacent land province. A boarding move can be used to attack another land province, but the attackers may not retreat.
Terrain Modifiers for Land Units:
Forest -- Cavalry must spend their entire movement to enter a forest province. The missile attribute may not be used in a forest.
Mountains -- Cavalry may not move into mountains. Infantry must spend their entire movement to enter a mountain province.
Ocean -- Cavalry and Infantry may not enter ocean provinces. Ship units may move through ocean provinces.
Rivers -- Cavalry and infantry must spend their entire movement to cross a river. Ship units may move up a river, but they may not attack into a river province. The unit is considered to be in both provinces for purposes of defensive combat.
Swamp -- Cavalry must spend their entire movement to enter a swamp province.
7. Combat
During this section, combat is carried out between units that have moved units into a province containing enemy units. All units are taken off the game board and battle begins using the following procedure:
a: Missile Combat Rolls -- The attacker rolls a 1d10 for each attacking unit in the province with the missile attribute. If the number is equal to or below the unit's attack value, a hit is scored on the defender. The defender does likewise with defending missile units in the province, scoring a hit for each 1d10 roll equal or below the unit's defense value. The attacker then removes a number of units from the attacking force equal to the number of hits scored and the defender removes units from the defending force equal to the number of attacking hits scored.
b: Combat Rolls -- The attacker rolls a 1d10 for each attacking unit in the province without the missile attribute. If the number is equal to or below the unit's attack value, a hit is scored on the defender. The defender does likewise with defending non-missile units in the province, scoring a hit for each 1d10 roll equal or below the unit's defense value. The attacker then removes a number of units from the attacking force equal to the number of hits scored and the defender removes units from the defending force equal to the number of attacking hits scored.
c: Attacker Withdrawl Check -- The attacker may now choose to cut the faction's losses and retreat back from the last province entered. If the attack came through an amphibious assault, or by teleportation from a transmuter the attacker may not choose to withdrawal. The defender may not retreat.
Combat is over when either the defender is destroyed, the attacker is destroyed, both sides are destroyed, or the attacker chooses to withdraw. In the case where both forces are simultaneously destroyed, the defender keeps control of the province.
8. Muster new units (put them on the board)
Newly purchased units may only be put on the board in certain provinces. The placement of the units is goverened by their unit race attribute. Those attributes and their rules can be found in the table below. If any unit or units does not meet the mustering requirements at the end of a turn, that unit may not be mustered and is immediately lost.
Acherousian (Human) -- This type of unit can only be mustered in Archursia. There is no limit to the number of units that may be mustered in that province.
Bugbear -- This type of unit can only be mustered in two ways. Either in any hill or mountain province that holds at least one Bugbear infantry unit, or in a province that holds a friendly summoner unit. Only one unit may be mustered per province unless that province holds a friendly summoner unit.
Dawnian (Human) -- This type of unit can only be mustered from any plain that holds at least one Dawnian infantry unit. Only one unit may be mustered per province unless that province also holds a fortification unit.
Dwarven -- This type of unit can only be mustered in any mountain province that holds at least one Dwarven infantry unit. Only one unit may be mustered per province unless that province also holds a fortification unit.
High Elven -- This type of unit can only be mustered on the island of Estlon. There is no limit to the number of units that may be mustered anywhere on the island.
Lizardmen -- This type of unit can only be mustered in any swamp province that holds at least one Lizardman infantry unit. Only one unit may be mustered per province unless that province also holds a fortification unit.
Ogre -- This type of unit can only be mustered in any hill province that holds at least one Ogre infantry unit. Only one unit may be mustered per province unless that province also holds a fortification unit.
Orc -- This type of unit can only be mustered in any hill or plains province that holds at least one Orc infantry unit. Only one unit may be mustered per province unless that province also holds a fortification unit.
Wood Elven -- This type of unit can only be mustered in any forest province that holds at least one Wood Elf infantry unit. Only one unit may be mustered per province unless that province also holds a fortification unit.
Undead -- This type of unit can only be mustered in a province that contains a friendly necromancer unit. There is no limit to the number of undead units that may be mustered per turn.
Appendix A: Unit types and attributes
Unit Types:
Infantry Attack:2 Defense:3 Move:1 Cost:3
Cavalry Attack:5 Defense:3 Move:2 Cost:5 Blitz
Ship Attack:2 Defense:2 Move:2 Cost:8 Watercraft
Tower Attack:- Defense:7 Move:- Cost:18 Fortification
Unit Attributes:
Amphibian -- In place of a move, the unit can leave a land province, cross an ocean province, and end the move on another land province. The unit can use this ability as a retreat move. The unit can use this ability to attack a force in an adjacent sea zone and then continue moving back to either the original land zone or another adjacent land zone unoccupied by any enemies. Units with the amphibian attribute are immune to the movement penalties imposed by river and swamp terrain.
Blitz -- This unit can move and attack for as long as it has movement left to spend. For example, a unit with blitz can move, attack, and then if it has movement points left it can move and attack again.
Breathweapon -- In place of rolling attack or defense dice, this unit may roll three dice scoring hits against the opponent on rolls of a 4 or better and scoring hits against allied units on a roll of 0. In other words, on a roll of a 10, the breathweapon unit actually scores a hit against its own side in the battle!
Elite -- This unit gets +1 on attack value.
Fear -- All enemy units in battle with a unit with fear must worsen their attack or defense rolls by one on the first round of battle only.
Flying -- In place of a normal move, a flying unit may move up to 4 provinces ignoring enemy units and terrain restrictions such as rivers, mountains, forests, and oceans. The unit must start and end its move on a land province. The unit can not use this ability as a retreat move.
Fortification -- This unit may not move or attack. Only one fortification unit is allowed in any province. A fortification unit may be mustered anywhere there is at least one unit of allied infantry. A fortification cannot retreat or be carried on a ship. Any number of other allied units may be mustered at a fortification. A fortification cannot be built in a sea zone.
Fortitude -- The unit takes two hits to be destroyed. Any wounded units (units that have only taken one hit) are considered destroyed at the end of the battle.
Hero -- This unit may not be mustered normally. Instead it is mustered by a special event or exists from the beginning of the scenario. Consequently it has no cost.
Inspiring -- All allied units in battle with an inspiring unit as well as the inspiring unit itself may improve their attack or defense rolls by one on the first round of battle only.
Meek -- This unit gets -1 on defense value.
Mercenary -- If there are more allied mercenary units in a province than allied non-mercenary units in a province at either the beginning of any player's turn or the beginning of any battle round, the excess mercenary forces disband (are destroyed) immediately.
Mighty -- Unit rolls two dice for attack or defense in battle. In other words, the unit effectively makes two attacks a round.
Missle -- Each round, the attack or defense die rolls for units with missile are resolved before attack or defense rolls for units without missile are resolved.
Mountainlore -- This unit gets +1 to its defense value in a mountain province. Cavalry units with mountainlore can enter mountain provinces, but they must spend their entire movement to do so.
Predator -- This unit inspires fear in cavalry units that do not have the predator attribute. Opposing cavalry units without predator subtract 1 from their defense value as long as an attacking force includes units with this feat. This is meant to show the results of large predators like dire wolves and griffons have on horse-based cavalry. Note that undead cavalry are immune to the effects of this attribute -- see the undead attribute.
Quick -- This unit gets +1 to its movement value.
Slow -- This unit gets -1 to its base movement value.
Swamplore -- This unit gets +1 on their defense value in a swamp province.
Undead -- This unit is unaffected by the attributes fear, inspiring, predator, illusionist, and enchanter. If all of the faction's Necromancers are destroyed for any reason, all undead units are destroyed immediately. Upkeep does not need to be paid on undead units.
Veteran -- This unit gets +1 to their defense value.
Watercraft -- This unit may move feely within ocean and river provinces. This unit may not move onto land provinces without rivers. Ship units may only attack ship units and units based on enemy ship units. A ship unit may carry one unit of cavalry or two units of infantry. Carried units may forfeit their movement for a boarding move. A boarding move allows the unit one move to board the ship and another to leave the ship to a legal land province before, after, or while the ship is moving. Cavalry units based on a ship unit have their attack value lowered by three. Ship units can only be mustered in any province bordering a river or an ocean that includes a fortification unit.
Weak -- This unit gets -1 on attack value.
Woodlore -- This unit gets +1 on their defense value in a forest province. Cavalry with woodlore does not have their movement restricted by forest provinces. Units with the missile attribute may use this attribute in forest if they also have woodlore.
Magical Attributes:
Abjurer -- Instead of rolling attack or defense dice, this unit can absorb one free hit each battle round. The second hit destroys the abjurer unit.
Diviner -- Instead of moving, a diviner can increase the commodity output of the province the unit is currently in. Roll two d10 to determine the amount of increase in a particular commodity. The number of extra units is the difference between the two dice.
Enchanter -- Instead of rolling attack or defense dice, the owner of the unit may elect to enchant a unit on the opposing side of the battle instead. If the enchanter rolls a 4 or less on a d10, the enchantment succeeds and the faction controling the enchanter takes control of an opposing unit at the end of the round. The opposing side must choose which unit is enchanted after casualties are removed just before the start of the next combat round. Only units that are succeptable to enchantment may be chosen. Enchanted units are destroyed at the end of the battle. If the enchanter is destroyed during the battle, enchanted units revert to their original owner.
Illusionist -- Instead of rolling attack or defense dice, this unit may opt to force the opposing side to re-roll up to three hits of the illusionist's choice that the opposition may have had on their attack or defense dice. The rerolled result is then scored in place of the three hits.
Invoker -- Instead of rolling attack or defense dice, this unit may opt to roll five dice equal to or below the value of 2 for hits.
Necromancer -- This unit allows the side to muster undead units. Newly mustered units must be placed in the province that holds the unit with necromancy. If all necromancer units on a side are destroyed then any undead units on the side are destroyed.
Summoner -- This unit allows the side to muster summoned units. Summoned units may be mustered at any time during play, even during another side's turn. Newly summoned units must be placed in the province that holds the unit with summoning. However, summoned monsters are automatically destroyed during the next mustering phase regardless of which side is doing the mustering. If all summoning units on a side are destroyed, all summoned units on that side are immediately destroyed.
Teleportation -- Instead of moving, this unit may opt to instantly move itself and up to 1d10 other allied units in the same province as the teleporter to any single land province on the board unoccupied by any other factions. The roll is only made after the teleporter has made the decision to teleport. In other words, if the roll comes up short the teleporter may not back out of the teleportation.
Race Attributes:
Acherousian (Human) -- This type of unit can only be mustered in Archursia. There is no limit to the number of units that may be mustered in that province.
Bugbear -- This type of unit can only be mustered in any hill or mountain province that holds at least one Bugbear infantry unit. Only one unit may be mustered per province unless that province also holds a fortification unit.
Dawnian (Human) -- This type of unit can only be mustered from any plain that holds at least one Dawnian infantry unit. Only one unit may be mustered per province unless that province also holds a fortification unit.
Dwarven -- This type of unit can only be mustered in any mountain province that holds at least one Dwarven infantry unit. Only one unit may be mustered per province unless that province also holds a fortification unit.
High Elven -- This type of unit can only be mustered on the island of Estlon.
Lizardmen -- This type of unit can only be mustered in any swamp province that holds at least one Lizardman infantry unit. Only one unit may be mustered per province unless that province also holds a fortification unit.
Ogre -- This type of unit can only be mustered in any hill province that holds at least one Ogre infantry unit. Only one unit may be mustered per province unless that province also holds a fortification unit.
Orc -- This type of unit can only be mustered in any hill or plains province that holds at least one Orc infantry unit. Only one unit may be mustered per province unless that province also holds a fortification unit.
Summoned -- This type of unit can only be mustered in a province that contains a friendly summoner unit. There is no limit to the number of summoned units that may be mustered per turn. Note that summoned units may be paid for and mustered at any time, but they are automatically destroyed during the next muster phase of any faction. For example, Lizardmen attack a Wood Elf army including a druid. The Wood Elf pays and musters elementals to mount a defense against the Lizardmen during the Lizardman faction's turn, however once the Lizardman faction has a muster phase, any remaining elementals are immediately destroyed.
Wood Elven -- This type of unit can only be mustered in any forest province that holds at least one Wood Elf infantry unit. Only one unit may be mustered per province unless that province also holds a fortification unit.
Undead -- This type of unit can only be mustered in a province that contains a friendly necromancer unit. There is no limit to the number of undead units that may be mustered per turn.
Appendix B: Order of Battle
Format of entries is as follows
RaceAttribute UnitName UnitCost: UnitType, UnitAttributes, MagicalAttributes
Dawnian Infantry Cost:3 Infantry
Dawnian Yeomen Cost:4 Infantry, Missile
Dawnian Crossbowmen Cost:5 Infantry, Missile, Veteran
Dawnian Knights Cost:6 Cavalry, Veteran
Dawnian Cleric Cost:18 Infantry, Veteran, Abjurer
Dawnian Wizard Cost:18 Infantry, Weak, Invoker, Diviner
Dawnian Windriders Cost: 12 Cavalry, Flight, Predator, Mighty
Tower Cost:18 Fortification
Ship Cost:8 Watercraft
Orc Rabble Cost:2 Infantry, Meek, Mercenary
Orc Troopers Cost:3 Infantry
Bugbear Irregulars Cost:3 Infantry, Elite, Mercenary
Orc Arrow-boys Cost:3 Infantry, Missile, Meek, Mercenary
Ogre Heavy Infantry Cost:4 Infantry, Veteran, Fortitude
Orc Wolfriders Cost:5 Cavalry, Meek, Predator
Orc Giant allies Cost:15 Infantry, Veteran, Elite, Fortitude, Mighty, Mountainlore, Missile
Orc Shaman Cost:18 Infantry, Elite, Veteran, Summoner, Invoker
Summoned Outsider Cost:1 Infantry, Weak, Meek, Fortitude
Tower Cost:18 Fortification
Ship Cost:8 Watercraft
Wood Elf Scouts Cost:3 Infantry, Woodlore, Quick, Meek
Wood Elf Rangers Cost:4 Infantry, Woodlore, Missile
Wood Elf Sharpshooters Cost:7 Infantry, Missile, Woodlore, Mighty
Wood Elf Roughriders Cost:7 Cavalry, Woodlore, Missile
Wood Elf Druid Cost:18 Infantry, Summoner, Enchanter
Summoned Fire Elemental Cost:3 Cavalry, Slow, Missile
Summoned Earth Elemental Cost:6 Tower, Meek, Fortitude
Tower Cost:18 Fortification
Ship Cost:8 Watercraft
Lizardman Infantry Cost:3 Infantry, Amphibious, Swamplore
Lizardman Serpentswords Cost:4 Infantry, Amphibious, Swamplore, Elite
Lizardman Archers Cost:4 Infantry, Missile, Amphibious, Swamplore
Lizardman Dragon Allies Cost:24 Cavalry, Flying, Breathweapon, Fortitude, Veteran, Elite, Predator, Mercenary
Tower Cost:18 Fortification
Ship Cost:8 Watercraft
Dwarven Axemen Cost:3 Infantry, Mountainlore
Dwarven Defender Cost:4 Infantry, Veteran, Mountainlore
Dwarven Crossbowman Cost:4 Infantry, Missile, Mountainlore
Dwarven Mounted Dragoons Cost:5 Cavalry, Mountainlore
Dwarven Ultra-Heavy Cavalry Cost:12 Cavalry, Veteran, Fortitude, Mighty, Predator, Mountainlore, Slow
Dwarven Military Engineer Cost:18 Infantry, Mountainlore, Breathweapon
Tower Cost:18 Fortification
Ship Cost:8 Watercraft
High Elf Infantry Cost:3 Infantry
High Elf Archers Cost:4 Infantry, Missile
High Elf Chargers Cost:7 Cavalry, Quick, Elite
High Elf Illusionist Cost:18 Infantry, Meek, Summoner, Illusionist
Summoned Demi-Shadow Infantry Cost:1 Infantry
Summoned Demi-Shadow Cavalry Cost:3 Cavalry
Summoned Demi-Shadow Tower Cost:6 Tower
Tower Cost:18 Fortification
Ship Cost:8 Watercraft
Acherousian Phallanx Spearmen Cost:3 Infantry
Acherousian Elite Swordsmen Cost:4 Infantry, Elite
Acherousian Archers Cost:4 Infantry, Missile
Acherousian Cavalry Cost:5 Cavalry
Acherousian Necromancer Cost:18 Infantry, Meek, Necromancy
Acherousian Sorcerer Cost:18 Infantry, Summoner, Invoker
Summoned Outsider Cost:1 Infantry, Weak, Meek, Fortitude
Undead Infantry Cost:3 Infantry, Meek, Undead
Undead Archers Cost:4 Infantry, Meek, Missile, Undead
Undead Cavalry Cost:5 Cavalry, Weak, Undead
Undead Bone Juggernaut Cost:20 Cavalry, Undead, Mighty, Slow, Breathweapon, Fortitude
Tower Cost:18 Fortification
Ship Cost:8 Watercraft
Appendix C: Provinces of Southeast Caedes
Format of entries
Province Name -- The name of the province
Map Area Index -- Describes where the province is in relation to Orme. w/NW/N/NE/SW/S/SE/E refers to the direction from the central city, and the number refers to approximate inches from Orme.
RPs/Commodities -- If held by an allied unit for an entire turn, that faction gets the listed RPs and commodities for that particular province at the beginning of the faction's turn,
Terrain(s) -- The types of terrains that can be found in this province. In the case of a province with several different terrains, the unit affected by terrain rules gets to choose which one to use. For example, a Wood Elven force is attacked by a Lizard Man force in a province with forest, swamp, and plains. The wood elves can use their woodlore attribute to add to their defense value, but the lizardmen may also use their missile attributes because they decide to use the swamp as their terrain.
Color Text -- Some colorful tidbits of information on the province
Faction -- A single race or group of beings allied into one cause. Each faction takes a single turn in the game order. Several factions may work together, but they must do it on different turns.
Allied -- Two units of the same faction are called "allied units".
Resource Point (RP) -- The currency of the game, used to buy units.
Units -- Any purchasable playing piece for use in winning the struggle between the factions.
Attributes -- Special rules that apply to specific units, making them unique from the the base unit types.
Base Unit Types -- Infantry, Cavalry, Ship, Tower. Without any special attributes.
Province -- One measurable parcel of land.
Mustering -- Placing units on the game map. Done at the end of a faction's turn.