It can be both cumbersome and confusing to refer over and over to "The people of the Empire of the Seven Swords" rather than employing the common term "Swerding". Furthermore, it can be very embarassing to continually mispronounce the name of the world incorrectly for an entire year's worth of gaming. While literally hundereds of such terms exist (Caedes is a big place) here is a handy list of several of the most confusing and commonly used ones.
Caedes: "Ky-Days" (not "Kay-dees")
Acherousia: "Ak air oo see ah"
Gormak: "Gore-mack"
from Gormak: "Gormakian"
from Vekmar: "Vekmite" (not "Vekmitian" -- locals will laugh at you)
from the Tilgash Towns: "Tilgashian"
from Gurt: "Gurtian"
from Holtens: "Holten"
from Tor-Manash: "Manashian"
from the Dwarven Kingdom: "Dwarven" (all dwarves are considered to be citizens of this nation)
from Eldax: "Eldaxian"
from Estlon: "Estlonian" (An archaic term used today mainly for elven artifacts and other old works dating from the Elven empire is "Estlonix")
Several nation names refer to the peoples, not the lands that the nation occupies and so instead use the singular
An inhabitatant of Stahlings: "Stahling"
An inhabitant of Ascings: "Ascing"
An inhabitant of Shefing: "Shefing" (never "Shef" -- it is the name of the nation's founder; to misuse his name is to insult his memory and therefore to the nation.)
An inhabibant of the Empire of the Seven Swords: "Swerding"
The Shefings, Asclings and Stahlings taken together can be called either Harran or Northmen.