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A Brief History of The Empire of Learning
Written by: The Laughing Gnome

Well, well, well so you want to know about Bronas. There really isn't all that much to tell really. Many years ago, a woman by the name of Theresea wanted a place of learning, devoid of distractions, government influence, greed and other such nonsense. She had heard of Bronas and the few small farming and fishing villages that dot it. She also new that not many people went there because of the dangerous reefs that encircles the island. So she set off to see for herself. Upon arriving there, it was just as she imagined it would be. An island council ruled the island itself. She immediately went to work, outlining her plan. Amazingly enough it went quite well for her. The council, after a few minor concessions, agreed to let her start her place of learning. Runners and criers immediately set out proclaiming a refuge for learning. At first people just trickled in, after a year they came in droves, more than she had anticipated. After five years the current population totaled more than 10,000 people. Confusion and chaos started to occur, food shortage started to become a problem as did housing. So Theresea sat down along with the people who had been there the longest, and they developed a plan, which existed till Bronas was destroyed (the Empire, not the island itself). Here are the basic principles of that plan.

  • The island would be divided up into spheres, each sphere was based upon a general subject of study, and with in each sphere there would be colleges. The colleges would be based upon a more specific subject with in the Sphere's influence.
  • All monies earned while on the island would go into a public coffer, to buy the essentials, food, equipment, and other things that could not be made on the island itself. There was no need for money, as everything was provided for you.
  • Housing was also provided; everyone was set up into Inn type system, each person was provided a room, with a dresser, mirror, bed, table, and bookshelf. Anywhere between 30-50 of these room occupied a building.
  • The farmers and fishermen that already lived on the island would also help with food stocks, and they were compensated.
  • Once on the island you must go to the office of registry in the sphere of races and register, to be able to officially join the island community. Once registered you are provided with 7 white ankle length robes, 7 cinctures (the color of the cincture is dependent upon which sphere you join), a room assignment, and a pass to use the transporters. A person must also turn over all belongings and monies. With one exception, a person is allowed to keep one personal item.
  • Each college and sphere will be linked together by a system of teleportation circles, so as to provide rapid transport.
  • Once a month, who ever cared to, gathers together at the amphitheater to showcase the latest inventions or discoveries.
  • All discoveries are public domain, they are not to hoarded and secreted away.
  • All people and races are equal while on the island, no one is better than anyone else. Including Headmasters and Directors. Also what ever may have transpired in ones past is not an issue while on the island.
  • Headmasters are provided to be mentors and guides for a particular subject of study. Directors are the ones who voluntarily do the day-to-day mundane aspects of administration. They are also masters in multiple fields of study.
  • There will be no standing military. If a situation ever arises that military force is needed, then we can do one of two things, Hire mercenaries from the main island, or defend ourselves, depending on the situation.
  • All criminal acts will be dealt with immediately by holding a trial, and if the offending parties are found guilty they are immediately exiled off the island.
  • Criminal acts include, murder, theft (this includes hoarding of discoveries), and anything that may compromise the well being of the empire.
  • Guests are allowed to visit the island as long as they abide by the rules and regulations. A guest arriving on the isle must also register with the registry office but as a guest, and are provided brown robes and a brown cincture to show that they are guests of the island. Regular inns are provided that guests must pay for as well as food. A guest can only stay for a period not longer than one year. After one year they guest is asked to leave.
  • Ignorance is not an excuse for a violation of the above rules.

    Well see not too bad, they were provided to exude an aura of tranquility and harmony, devoid of distraction, and to provide the best possible environment for research and study. And the island continued on for centuries. Most of the best inventions and spells came out of Bronas. Then it happened Bronas was destroyed, utterly and completely! But that is a story for my next dissertation!

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