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nobles [2020/01/16 14:37] davenobles [2020/01/23 13:08] dave
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-A basic-level lord of a hundred can support himself as a [[knight|knight]], his squire, his wife and children on the income from his position and his 5-hide estate.  He has hired farm hands and maids to do the manual labor, and can support 10 HD of armed professional retainers (for example 5 Class-C [[housecarls|Housecarls]] or 2 Class C [[knights|knights]] with their 3 HD warhorses).  For most of their military needs, they depend upon calling up the householder [[nessex_militia|militia]] (up to 100 for home defense, 20 when summoned by Earl or King).+A basic-level lord of a hundred can support himself as a [[knights|knight]], his squire, his wife and children on the income from his position and his 5-hide estate.  He has hired farm hands and maids to do the manual labor, and can support 10 HD of armed professional retainers (for example 5 Class-C [[housecarls|Housecarls]] or 2 Class C [[knights|knights]] with their 3 HD warhorses).  For most of their military needs, they depend upon calling up the householder [[nessex_militia|militia]] (up to 100 for home defense, 20 when summoned by Earl or King). 
 +  * AC: 19 (kite shield, master mail)  HD 4 HP 17 
 +  * Resistance: 16;  vs. magic 10 
 +  * Mods: W 0/N+4/S+6 
 +  * Speed: 30', 50' when mounted on a heavy [[horses|warhorse]] 
 +  * Morale: +7 
 +  * Stealth  0 Perception 0 
 +  * Attack, Melee:  +6; Damage:  2d6 slashing (arming sword) 
 +  * Attack, Melee:  +6; Damage: 2d6  piercing (lance,  double on charge)--Reach 
 +  * Attack, Melee:  +6;  Damage 1d6 bludgeoning or piercing (mace or dagger) 
 +  * Knightly Combat: various advantages when fighting mounted 
 +  * Commander:  use your movement action to allow any ally within 60' to make a free active action 
 +  * S+6, D+6, C+4, I+4, W+4,Ch+4
 When encountered in their manor, Lords will have their professional retainers with them, and at least 10 militia men within a close summons, all 100 within a few hours.  On a trip to the city, they will have their squire and perhaps a few militia along for the ride. When encountered in their manor, Lords will have their professional retainers with them, and at least 10 militia men within a close summons, all 100 within a few hours.  On a trip to the city, they will have their squire and perhaps a few militia along for the ride.
 +  * AC: 12 (light armor)  HD 4  HP 17   
 +  * Resistance: 10; 
 +  * Mods: W 0/N+4/S+6
 +  * Speed: 30';  Load 14
 +  * Morale: +0
 +  * Stealth +6, Perception +4
 +  * Attack, Melee:  +4;   Damage: 1d10 slashing (arming sword)
 +  * Attack, Ranged: +4; Damage: by weapon 
 +  * Expertise:  Appraisal +6, Occupation (Estate Owner) +6, Persuasion +6, Insight +6, Lore (Law) +6
 +  * S +4, D+6, C 0, I+6,W+4,Ch+0
 +  * AC: 12 (light armor)  HD 2  HP 9  
 +  * Resistance: 9; 
 +  * Mods: W -1/N+3/S+4
 +  * Speed: 30';  Load 13
 +  * Morale: -1
 +  * Stealth +4, Perception +3
 +  * Attack, Melee:  +3;   Damage: 1d10 slashing (arming sword)
 +  * Attack, Ranged: +3; Damage: by weapon 
 +  * Expertise: Gambling +4, Deception +4, Lore (Picking up chicks) +4 
 +  * S +3, D+4, C -1, I+4,W+3,Ch-1
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 A great lord will always be accompanied by at least 2 knights.  They are less likely to want to be accompanied by militia, instead will have some mercenary [[guards|guards]]. A great lord will always be accompanied by at least 2 knights.  They are less likely to want to be accompanied by militia, instead will have some mercenary [[guards|guards]].
 +Stats for a Great Lord aren't different from Thanes of a Hundred, they only have more money and flunkies.
 ====LORDLINGS==== ====LORDLINGS====
 A host of idiot nephews, entitled heirs, hot-headed lords-to-be can be found whooping it up in the city.   Most are equivalent to [[knights|squires]], but some are really dangerous bastards.   A host of idiot nephews, entitled heirs, hot-headed lords-to-be can be found whooping it up in the city.   Most are equivalent to [[knights|squires]], but some are really dangerous bastards.  
 +**LORDLING PUNK (1 HD Soldier)**
 +  * AC: 18 (good mail, kite shield)  HD 1 HP 5  
 +  * Resistance: 13;  vs. magic 8
 +  * Mods: W-2/N+2/S+3
 +  * Speed: 25'--50' when mounted on heavy[[horses|warhorse]]
 +  * Morale: +4
 +  * Stealth -2 Perception -2
 +  * Attack, Melee:  +3;  Damage:  1d10 slashing (arming sword)
 +  * Knightly Combat:  has various combat advantages on horseback
 +  * S+3, D+3, C+2, I+2,W+2,Ch+2
 +  * AC: 19 (kite shield,master mail)  HD 6 HP 25
 +  * Resistance: 18;  vs. magic 11
 +  * Mods: W +1/N+5/S+8
 +  * Speed: 30', 50' when mounted on a heavy [[horses|warhorse]]
 +  * Morale: +9
 +  * Stealth  +1 Perception +1
 +  * Attack, Melee:  +8  Damage:  2d10 slashing (arming sword)
 +  * Attack, Melee:  +8;  Damage: 2d10 piercing (lance, double on charge)--Reach
 +  * Attack, Melee: +8;  Damage: 1d10 piercing or bludgeoning (dagger or mace)
 +  * Knightly Combat: various advantages when fighting mounted
 +  * Careful Rider: horse takes 1/2 damage in melee
 +  * Riding Master: advantage to all riding checks and can mount/dismount as quick action
 +  * S+8, D+8, C+5, I+5, W+5,Ch+5
nobles.txt · Last modified: 2020/02/04 13:44 by andrew