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spell_descriptions [2020/02/14 20:47] andrewspell_descriptions [2020/06/24 19:42] – [Dazzle] andrew
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 1st Level Arcane Blasphemy (Necromancy) \\ 1st Level Arcane Blasphemy (Necromancy) \\
-You shoot a ray of necromantic energy from your outstretched hand, causing any living creature within 30' struck by the ray to violently purge blood or other vital fluids through its skin on a successful magic attack. They immediately take 3D6 necrotic damage. +You shoot a ray of necromantic energy from your outstretched hand, causing any living creature within 30' struck by the ray to violently purge blood or other vital fluids through its skin on a successful magic attack. They immediately take 3D6 necrotic damage. The material component of this spell is a permanent point of STR which weakens and withers you toward death
 ===== Banishment ===== ===== Banishment =====
 3rd Level Arcane Spell (Goety) \\ 3rd Level Arcane Spell (Goety) \\
Line 95: Line 95:
 5th Level Arcane Formula (Elementalism)\\ 5th Level Arcane Formula (Elementalism)\\
 A blast of cold air, snow, and razor sharp ice erupts from your hands draining the heat and life from everything in a 60' cone. Each creature in the cone hit by a successful magical attack takes 1d8/level cold damage. For the next round only, any spellcasting check you make must be rolled at disadvantage because of the extreme cold in your hands caused by this spell is difficult to handle.  A blast of cold air, snow, and razor sharp ice erupts from your hands draining the heat and life from everything in a 60' cone. Each creature in the cone hit by a successful magical attack takes 1d8/level cold damage. For the next round only, any spellcasting check you make must be rolled at disadvantage because of the extreme cold in your hands caused by this spell is difficult to handle. 
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 1st Level Arcane Spell (Illusion)\\ 1st Level Arcane Spell (Illusion)\\
-dazzling array of flashing, colored light springs from your hand. Creatures in a 15-foot cone originating from you must make an INT check or they are affected by a condition appropriate for their hit die. +hypnotic array of flashing, colored light springs from your hand. Creatures in a 15-foot cone originating from you must make an INT check or they are affected by a condition appropriate for their hit die. 
 ^Hit Die^Effects^ ^Hit Die^Effects^
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 5th Level Arcane Hymn (Elementalism)\\ 5th Level Arcane Hymn (Elementalism)\\
-Like the phoenix, radiant streams of energy explode from you in all directions. All beings in a 20' radius who are not true believers take 2D6/level radiant damage on a successful magical attack roll. There are no material components for this spell, but on any sort of spell mishap the spell only harms you.+Like the phoenix, radiant streams of energy explode from you in all directions. All beings in a 20' radius who are not true believers take 2D6/level radiant damage on a successful magical attack roll. There are no material components for this spell. On any sort of spell mishap, do not roll on the spell mishap table. Instead, the spell is cast normally but it affects you as well
 ===== Domination ===== ===== Domination =====
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 2nd Level Arcane Spell (Spiritualism) \\ 2nd Level Arcane Spell (Spiritualism) \\
-By calling on the spirits of the nearby lands, you imbue yourself or a nearby target ally you can see within 30' with the might of the spirit world. For one battle, the target gains advantage on any Strength checks and the target's attacks deal 1d4 extra damage of the weapon's type. Additionally, they can sense any nearby incorporeal spirits and demons. This spell requires a pinch of powdered iron filings and a small candle.+By calling on the spirits of the nearby lands, you imbue yourself or a nearby target ally you can see within 30' with the might of the spirit world. For ten minutes, the target gains advantage on any Strength checks and the target's attacks deal 1d4 extra damage of the weapon's type. Additionally, they can sense any nearby incorporeal spirits and demons. This spell requires a pinch of powdered iron filings and a small candle.
 ===== Enslavement ===== ===== Enslavement =====
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 ===== Evil Eye ===== ===== Evil Eye =====
 2nd Level Arcane Spell (Curses)\\ 2nd Level Arcane Spell (Curses)\\
-(Proverbs 23:6) You curse a target within 90' with a malevolent glare. It can be given whether or not the target is aware of the attack. On a successful magic attack, the target is [[conditions#cursed|cursed]]. They find that everything they do falls apart and they succumb to terrible strings of luck for the duration of one fight.  The cursed target  makes all skill checks and attack rolls at disadvantage, and any roll of a 1-3 acts as a critical failure. +You curse a target within 90' with a malevolent glare. It can be given whether or not the target is aware of the attack. On a successful magic attack, the target is [[conditions#cursed|cursed]]. They find that everything they do falls apart and they succumb to terrible strings of luck for ten minutes.  The cursed target  makes all skill checks and attack rolls at disadvantage, and any roll of a 1-3 acts as a critical failure. 
 This spell requires a thumb sized ball of dried blood of a rat, bat, or snake. This spell requires a thumb sized ball of dried blood of a rat, bat, or snake.
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 3rd Level Arcane Spell (Curses)\\ 3rd Level Arcane Spell (Curses)\\
-You place a curse on a creature that you can see within 60' by making a successful magical attack. The target must immediately make a WIS check or gain a level of [[stress]]. The hex remains for a single battle as long as you continue to concentrate on the target. Until the spell ends, you may deal an extra 1d6 necrotic damage per spellcaster level to the target as a [[actions|Quick action]] whenever you or your allies hit it with an attack. +You place a curse on a creature that you can see within 60' by making a successful magical attack. The target must immediately make a WIS check or gain a level of [[stress]]. The hex remains for up to 10 minutes or as long as you continue to [[concentration|concentrate]] on the target. Until the spell ends, you may deal an extra 1D6 necrotic damage per spellcaster level to the target as a [[actions|Quick action]] whenever you or your allies hit it with an attack. 
 This spell requires the petrified eye of a newt as a material component. This spell requires the petrified eye of a newt as a material component.
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 3rd Level Arcane Blasphemy (Illusion)\\ 3rd Level Arcane Blasphemy (Illusion)\\
-You create the illusion for mortals to believe their flesh is rotting and falling off their bodies, and that their internal organs are spilling out. On a successful magic attack, all mortal creatures within a 10' radius of a point within 90' of you suffers a level of [[stress]] and take 1D10 psychic damage. Additionally, they must immediately make a WIS check or they are [[conditions#staggered|staggered]] until the end of their next round and take and additional 1D10 necrotic damage. +You create the illusion for mortals to believe their flesh is rotting and falling off their bodies, and that their internal organs are spilling out. On a successful magic attack, all mortal creatures within a 10' radius of a point within 90' of you suffers a level of [[stress]] and take 1D10 psychic damage. Additionally, they must immediately make a WIS check or they are [[conditions#staggered|Staggered]] until the end of their next round and take and additional 1D10 necrotic damage. The material component of this spell is the rotten flesh of a person or animal dead for at least one month
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 1st Level Arcane Charm (Spiritualism) \\ 1st Level Arcane Charm (Spiritualism) \\
-Incanting a powerful protective prayer infuses one target with intention and life, bestowing +4 temporary hit points for 1 hour and removes the disadvantage to resist spiritual attack. This spell requires a small candle and a clam shell for material components.+Incanting a powerful protective prayer infuses one target within 30' with intention and life, bestowing +4 temporary hit points for 1 hour and removing the disadvantage to resist [[combat#Spiritual Attack Procedure|spiritual attack]]. This spell requires a small candle and a clam shell for material components.
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 4th Level Arcane Formula (Elementalism)\\ 4th Level Arcane Formula (Elementalism)\\
-Two quick syllables release the power of the spell, and several of your allies get stronger and more ferocious on the battle field. For one fight, or for as long as you maintain [[concentration]], up to three allies gain +1/level temporary hit points and may make an additional attack if they choose to attack using their [[actions|Active action]]. There is no material component to this spell. +Two quick syllables release the power of the spell, and several of your allies get stronger and more ferocious on the battle field. For ten minutes, or for as long as you maintain [[concentration]], up to three allies gain +1/level temporary hit points, move 10' faster, and may make an additional attack if they choose to attack using their [[actions|Active action]]. There is no material component to this spell. 
 ===== Torment ===== ===== Torment =====
 1st Level Arcane Blasphemy (Hypnosis)\\ 1st Level Arcane Blasphemy (Hypnosis)\\
-You speak the horrific syllables of power, corrupting the mind and spirit of a target within 30'. They writhe is extreme suffering and pain. On a successful magic attack any mortal target creature falls prone [[conditions#stunned|Stunned]] for as long as you continue to use your [[actions|Active action]] to chant. Once the spell ends the target must make a WIS check or suffer a level of [[stress]] and the spellcaster gains advantage to any Intimidate checks against the target for the next week.+You speak the horrific syllables of power, corrupting the mind and spirit of a target with less levels/HD than you within 30'. They writhe is extreme suffering and pain. On a successful magic attack any mortal target creature falls prone [[conditions#stunned|Stunned]] for as long as you continue to use your [[actions|Active action]] to chant. Once the spell ends the target must make a WIS check or suffer a level of [[stress]] and you gain Advantage to any Intimidate checks against the target for the next week.
 ===== Truesight ===== ===== Truesight =====
spell_descriptions.txt · Last modified: 2020/09/01 16:32 by andrew