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sean [2020/12/21 14:55] davesean [2021/04/30 13:26] (current) andrew
Line 8: Line 8:
 Family Background: Second Sight; Special Feature: Workout Montage Family Background: Second Sight; Special Feature: Workout Montage
 +Leads templar sergeants Pierre, Raymond, Enri, and Jacques
 +Special Feature: Sword Brothers
 +AC: by armor; HD 4 HP 17 \\
 +Resistance: 14 \\
 +Mods: W 0/N+4/S+6 \\
 +Speed: 30'; Load 14 \\
 +Morale: +4 \\
 +Stealth +4 Perception +4 \\
 +Attack: +6; Damage: by weapon \\
 +Ranged Attack: +6, Damage: by weapon \\
 +Equipment Roll Modifier: +12 \\
 +S+6, D+6, C+4, I+0,W+4,Ch+0 \\
sean.1608562501.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/12/21 14:55 by dave