Beggars are those who do no productive work, depending on the charity of their fellow men for their daily bread. Most live in towns and cities, as a large number of givers are required to support a number of beggars (and farmers expect you to work for your handouts). There are two sorts of beggars: Sad Beggars, who have some illness, injury or deformity or serious run of bad luck and can't work, and Bad Beggars, who merely pretend to have some sort of malady to get sympathy money. Bad Beggars often are actually thieves who use begging as a cover to spy out marks to take.

SAD BEGGAR (1/2 HD Laborer)

BAD BEGGAR–Faker (1 HD Laborer)

BAD BEGGAR–Child Pickpocket (1/2 HD Expert):

BAD BEGGAR–Faker Pickpocket:(1HD Expert)

BAD BEGGAR–Faker Sneak Thief (2 HD Expert)

BAD BEGGAR–Faker Spy/Assassin/Mugger:(3HD Expert)