When a demonic spirit possesses the body of a large dog it infuses it with demonic strength and vitality.
AC: 18 HD 6 HP 25
Resistance: 15; vs. magic 11
Mods: W +1/N+5/S+8
Speed: 40'
Morale: +8
Stealth +1, Perception +8
Attack, Melee: +8; Damage: 2d10 piercing (bite)
Immune: Fire Attacks
Resistant: half damage from non-silver, non-magic, non-blessed weapons
Hell Charge: when the hell-hound moves at least 10’ into melee, does double damage on first attack.
Clamp: when it hits in combat, if it is not hit before its next action, it will clamp down, doing 1d6 damage to the defender’s strength score, or 2d10 hit points without attack roll (DM choice)
Relentless: once it has seen or smelled its target, Hell Hound will never lose the track
S+8, D+8, C+5, I+5,W+5,Ch+5