The Vampires are products of an evil curse or affliction. A vampire who drains the blood of a victim and kills the victim thereby curses the corpse, whereby a demonic spirit reanimates it with a semblance of life and thirst for blood, but the original soul is departed. Vampires lurk in darkness and attack from ambush. All vampires take 4 times damage from a critical hit by a piercing weapon, as they have blood-related organs that perform an undead function. All vampires likewise suffer 1d6 points of damage each minute they spend in direct sunlight.

Ghouls: a victim killed by a vampire becomes a ghoul, a nearly mindless, blood-thirsty killer. They have native cunning, but don't speak or have command of their host's memories or skills. As they drink blood over time, they gain more access to the memories and skills of their body and advance to the more powerful form of vampire. Ghouls attempt to ambush, stun and drink the blood of their victims, but are willing to kill them with their claw-like hands and eat the flesh of victims if need be. As long as the vampire who created them still exists, the Ghouls are subject to their will.

Vampire Pawns: have progressed to where they've regained power of speech and access to their host's bodies memories. They are more deliberate that ghouls, but are still subject to the will of their creator.

Vampire Masters: these dangerous creatures are free of any master's will. They can fly on bat-like wings, summon a mist to conceal their approach and cast spells to aid their evil schemes.

GHOUL (4 HD Predator)

VAMPIRE PAWN (8 HD Predator)