Whizzo's is a disreputable alehouse in Jorvikburg. It is on the south side of town at the corner of King and Beaver streets. The ale is accounted to be the worst in town, but since it goes for 1cp for a pint and a half, it's also the cheapest. Whizzo himself is a retired unsuccessful jester. On occasion, he feels the old trade come over him and he tells the worst jokes imaginable. He finishes his jokes by saying “Whoa, Whoa, Whoa—Whizzo!”

About one third of the time, you're likely to encounter three gamblers who are called Slick, Shark and Fang who are looking for a good game.

A criminal gang called THE WHIZZO BOYS hangs out in and near the bar, but aren't affiliated with Whizzo himself. Or are they? No. Unless they are.