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Type Price Supply Notes
Alchemist Fire 100gp 7 Kept in a clay vessel, thrown against target, the vessel breaks and a sticky substance ignites, clinging to target. It does 1d6 damage each round until totally smothered by cloth or liquid. If the attack roll is a 1, an ally or the thrower is hit.
Stogies of Stench Warding1gp 1 Secret cigar recipe of Gnomish alchemists, gives a +2 save vs. offensive odor attacks (skunks etc), but double chance of wandering monster with sense of smell. Each stogy lasts 6 turns.
Shimmering Sand 25gp 2 Increases the number of targets of a sleep spell by 25%.
Black Sand 100gp 7 Allows a sleep spell to affect the undead.
Pipeweed of Judicious Contemplation 50gp 5

gains +3 on casting check. If it is smoked more than once a day, smoker is feebleminded for 1d6 hours.|

Third Eye Stone 75gp 6 Doubles the duration of any spell that helps caster “detect” anything. 1 in 6 chance per use that the stone will burn out.
Flash Powder Pellet50gp 5

Causes adjacent targets to save vs. CON or lose a turn|

Assassin’s Smoke 50gp 5 Thrown to ground, instantly produces a 5×5 cloud of smoke, sufficient to allow thrower to attempt to sneak away/hide
Fine Glitter 30gp 3 Thrown in the air, reduces saving throws vs. Charm, Hold and Confusion spells by -2. Does not work in darkness or strong wind.
Alchemical Grenade100gp 7 Throw up to 50' explodes in a 15'x15' area, all inside make a CON save or take 2d6 damage and be knocked prone
Essence of Krangor 150gp 9

points (first to be lost), but 25% it will do 1d3 damage instead.

Devil Grease 40gp 4

save vs. Dex or fall down and flounder for 1-3 rounds|

Bottled Phantasm 60gp 6

last an extra 1d6+1 rounds without concentration by caster.|

Dragon Breath Bomb150gp 9 Throw up to 50', explodes in a 15'x15' area, all inside take 3d6 damage, Dex save for half damage
Tanglefoot Bag 25gp 2

target, save vs. paralysis or be unable to move for 1d6 rounds (may still attack and cast spells).|

alchemy.1575919590.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/12/09 19:26 by andrew