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Magical Arms and Armor

A caster with the Crafting Permanent Magic Items proficiency (most scholars and zealots of level 5 or higher) who has aquired and properly installed an Enchanter's Furnace can enchant an example of a masterwork quality weapon, armor or shield imbuing it with a permanent enchantment. The price listed is for selling off the item, and to calculate the time needed to craft one, but there is rarely an occasion to buy an example off the self.

Magic Weapons

All these creations count as a magic weapon for the purposes of damaging opponents who are resistant or invulnerable to non-magic weapons. The Special Ingredient is the item needed Crafting Permanent Magic Items, beyond the physical object and the gold metal for the Enchanter's Furnace.

NameCostLoadDurabilityEffectSpecial Ingredient
Arrow of 1000 Barbs1000gp13these arrows inflict an extra +2 damage, and stick in the target, pulling one out causes a further 1d6+2 damage.They come in batches of 10 and each arrow can only be shot onceEach arrow is fletched from the remains of a Frond Blight
Arrow of Iron1000gp05 this nearly indestructible arrow scores an extra +1 damage, but can be recovered and shot many times.Fletched from the rare Ironwood tree, every 6 load of lumber from this tree can yield a dozen of these arrows
Axe of Power4000gp23 This Dane Axe does +2 damage on every hit, and has its critical hit target improved by 1. the gall bladder of a Troll Cow.
Axe of Response2000gp14The War Axe gives wielder one extra counter attack per fightrs of a greater legion of the damned
Axe of Return2000gp 13The Frankish axe grants +1 to hit, and if thrown, it will return to its user, must be attunedThis weapon requires the soul of a ghost of at least 6HD trapped within a soul gem
Axe of Splitting 1500gp13This war axe destroys any non-magic shield carried by a target it hits-
Bolt of Eye Shooting1000gp05this nearly indestructible crossbow bolt will shoot out the eye of its target anytime a critical hit is rolled. It can be recovered and shot many times.Fletched from the rare Ironwood tree, every 6 load of lumber from this tree can yield a dozen of these bolts
Bolt of Piercing1000gp1 3these crossbow bolts come in batches of 12, each one inflicts 2d6 damage, but any “6” that is rolled causes an additional 1d6 damage to be inflicted, which also adds another 1d6 if it rolls a 6, without end. Each bolt can be shot only once.walrus tusk
Bow of Accuracy3000gp23This war bow gives +2 to attack rolls.a dozen elf shot heads
Crossbow of Smashing1800gp23The crossbow does +1 damage and knocks targets prone.eye of a House Crusher or Rhinoceros
Dagger of Dementia1200gp12A victim hit by this weapon must make an INT check be confused for one roundThis dagger is forged with a core of molten Phlebtonium, making the weapon brittle and easily broken
Dagger of Everlasting Venom2000gp 1 4 This dagger does an extra 1D6 poison damage if the attack is made with advantage. Stinger of a Scorphemoth
Dagger of Wounding2000gp 1 4 This dagger does an extra 1D6 piercing damage if the attack is made with advantageDybbuk demon trapped in a soul gem
Mace of Fear1500gp14 A successful hit in combat causes target to check morale.fragment of a Baal
Mace of Madness1200gp12A victim hit by this weapon must make an INT check be confused for one roundThis dagger is forged with a core of molten Phlebtonium, making the weapon brittle and easily broken
Mace of Righteousness2000gp14 This mace scores an additional 1d6 damage against Evil targetsan ounce of sand from Mt. Sinai
Quiver of Endless Arrows1500gp13 this quiver appears to have 8 arrows in it, but whenever an attuned users shoots one, another appears in its place.the hats of 3 leprechauns
Spear of Rot2500gp23This jet black iron-shod spear does an extra +1D6 necrotic damage on a successful hit. the fangs of a master vampire.
Spear of Runes3000gp23This rune-covered long spear grants user +2 to hit in combat, and can be used as a Spell Focus by a Rune Caster scholar for any spell he knows.wooden shaft from an ash tree that has been used as a gallows to sacrifice to Odin
Sword of Celerity1200gp 1 4 This arming sword gives the wielder an extra 5' to their movementshin bone of an extraordinarily fast horse
Sword of the Champion5000gp25This mighty long sword inflicts +2 to hit and damage.The heart of a Frost Jotun
Sword of Fire5000gp25This long sword inflicts an additional 1d6 points of damage, all the damage counts as either fire or slashing damage, whichever is more advantageous to user, will ignite flammable materials on a hit as well.The heart of a Fire Jotun
Sword of Fortitude2000gp 1 5 While wielding this arming sword bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from non magical weapons is reduced by 1shell of large sea turtle
Sword of Might3000gp14This arming sword inflicts +2 extra points of damageThis sword may only be made from the Mithrilium Iron from a Umbral Dwarf's forge found deep below the earth, and even then only if he gives it freely
Sword of Sharpness1500gp1 4 This arming sword gives a +1 to hit, but not damage.The amulet of a Jinn
Sword of Potence1500gp1 4 This arming sword gives a +1 to damage, but not to hit. The beak of a Hooger
Sword of the Warrior2000gp15 This arming sword gives +1 to hit and damage, but only to someone with the Warrior class.Heart of a warrior After Walker who has gotten his revenge

Magic Armor

NameCostLoadDurabilityEffectSpecial Ingredient
Unyielding Mail3000gp55This mail hauberk gives resistance to Slashing Attacks. Bones of a Grinder Troll
Mail of Unbreakable Links3000gp55This mail hauberk gives resistance to Piercing Attacks. Bones of an Ice Troll
Rebounding Mail3000gp5 5This mail hauberk gives resistance to Bludgeoning Attacks. Bones of a Mountain Troll
Angel Steel Mail3000gp35 This mail hauberk weighs only 3 Load. Threads from the garment of a Saint or Prophet.
Mail of Vulcan50,000gp35This mail is the kind worn by great heroes like Hector or Arthur, it grants resistance to all physical attacks, weighs only 3 Load, and grants 5' of bonus movement. The shards of 7 Broken Magic Swords
Griffin Leathers1000gp22 this light armor gives wearer an extra 5' to movement. The hide of a griffon
Troll Leathers2000gp23 this light armor gives wearer resistance to Slashing Attacks. The hide of a Grinder Troll
Invisible Gambeson1200gp03 this light armor cannot be seen and has no effective load weight. The hair of an Elf Enchantress

Magic Shields

NameCostLoadDurabilityEffectSpecial Ingredient
Spirit Shield1500gp 14The spirit shield has more durability than even a masterwork round shield and it imparts a +2 bonus against spiritual attacks.The wood of a spirit tree is hewn from the trunk of one of the dreaming trees in the hidden groves to the north and east
Shield of Arrow Catching2500gp 13You gain a +2 bonus to AC against ranged attacks while you wield this round shield. This bonus is in addition to the shield's normal bonus to AC. Whenever an attacker makes a ranged attack against a target within 5 feet of you, you can use a Quick action to become the target instead.The wood used for a shield of arrow catching is soaked for a month in the blood of an dark elven knight
Shield of Brilliance2500gp14A kite shield with an enchanted gold, silver or brass face that can be used to blind an enemy for 1d6 rounds as an attack action, provided there is at least torchlight in the area, DEX save to avoid.Carapace of a golden crab person, a subspecies of sorcerous crab person who is known to cast blasphemies
Shield of the Chevalier2000gp14This kite shield provides user 1 additional point of AC while mounted on a warhorse (or magical mount), and gives the mount +3 ACThe carapace of a Scorphemoth
Shield of the Wall 2500gp13This round shield provides +1 AC to all footmen in a shield wall that includes the wielder.The wood of this shield must be made from an alder or willow that grows on or near the grave of a great hero
arms.1578755706.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/01/11 15:15 by dave