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Evil signs and portents and astrological calculations reveal rare people who can be used by evil cults for a terrible fate. When certain rituals are performed, the fated victim's soul is snuffed out, to be replaced by the Spirit of a mighty demon Lord or mad creature of elder chaos. The Chosen One will look entirely innocent, until it lets its guard down, showing fiery eyes and evil countenance. The Chosen One will attempt to gather a following of humans, turn them against their leaders and the church and establish a demonic cult as the new society.

CHOSEN ONE (18 HD Leader)

  • AC: 17 HD 18 HP 73
  • Resistance: 17; against Magic 22
  • Mods: W +7/N+10/S+12
  • Speed: 30'
  • Morale: if alone +7, if with minions +12
  • Stealth +10, Perception +10
  • Attack: +7 Damage: 1d10+ charm (x4); Magic Attacks: +12
  • Resistance: half damage from all attack forms that do physical damage, except Divine Spells or Blessed Weapons
  • Resistance: all spells targeted at the Chosen One make spell casting roll at Disadvantage
  • Hellfire Burst: 6 times per turn, 90’ diameter sphere, 18d6 of fire damage
  • Enthralling Touch: makes 4 attacks in melee, must exceed AC or WIS bonus+10 (and proficiency if prof.), whichever higher, a hit indicates 1d10 points of damage and target is obedient to every command of the chosen one for 1 hour.
  • Adept: may cast Infernal Call and Deadly Mist each once per turn
  • Demon Command: all Pit Spawn, Imp, Demons, and Hell Hounds within earshot obey the Chosen One without question, even over their own animators/summoners.
  • Mass Charm: once per turn, 90' diameter sphere, overcome resistance or CHA save (for PC) or become charmed and obedient to the Chosen One. If already well-disposed to the Chosen One, it is permanent until dispelled, otherwise, re-check save once per week. If charmed for a second time, it is permanent until dispelled.

S+7, D +10, C+7, I +12,W+10,Ch+12

chosen_one.1579289614.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/01/17 19:33 by dave