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Mounted Combat:

  • You need Riding proficiency (all Knights and Military Order Zealots automatically have this) or else suffer Disadvantage when making melee attacks from horseback.
  • All characters suffer Disadvantage when making a ranged attack from a moving horse.
  • Men on foot suffer disadvantage when attacking a mounted man in melee, unless the footmen are using a Long Spear or a Bill.
  • A proficient rider scores double damage when charging with a lance.
  • A proficient rider attacks a footman in melee with advantage unless that footman is in a shield wall, or is using a long spear or bill.
  • A proficient rider attacks with advantage against any footman who attacked his horse on his last attack.

Tactical Advantages

  • 2 or more attackers gain advantage if they attack a lone footman.
  • 5 or more attackers gain advantage if they attack 2 footmen who are side-by-side or back-to-back.
  • If footmen make a formation that is at least 4 men wide and 2 men deep, and all of them are wielding round shields, they are said to be in a Shield Wall. All attacks (ranged or melee) made against a Shield wall are made with disadvantage.

Spiritual Attacks

  • Spirits, such as ghosts, demons, etc. are not corporeal and thus cannot attack or be attacked by physical means. They, therefore do not have AC or hit points.
  • When they attack, they attack their target's INT, WIS or CHA. When a character's INT is reduced to 0, he becomes feeble minded. When a character's WIS is reduced to 0, he becomes stark-raving mad. When a character's CHA is reduced to 0, he has been possessed by the Spirit, who now controls his body.
combat.1575123299.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/11/30 14:14 by dave