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Mounted Combat

  • You need Knightly Combat proficiency (all Knights and Templars automatically have this) or else suffer Disadvantage when making melee attacks from horseback.
  • All characters suffer Disadvantage when making a ranged attack from a moving horse.
  • Men on foot suffer disadvantage when attacking a mounted man in melee, unless the footmen are using a Long Spear or a Bill.
  • A rider proficient in Knightly Combat scores double damage when charging with a lance.
  • A rider proficient in Knightly Combat attacks a footman in melee with advantage unless that footman is in a shield wall, or is using a long spear or bill.
  • A rider proficient in Knightly Combat attacks with advantage against any footman who attacked his horse on his last attack.
  • A riding horse, mule, pony or draft horse cannot be used for lance attacks, and must make a morale check before closing with an enemy and every round of combat to avoid bolting away from the fight. These mounts will only attack if they are attacked, cannot flee, and have no rider.
  • A warhorse will attack with its hooves (trample) when the rider makes a charge, and will strike out with its hooves any combat round when it does not move.

Tactical Advantages

  • A prone target is attacked with advantage in melee, but with disadvantage in ranged combat.
  • An unconscious or incapacitated target is hit automatically in melee (not ranged)
  • 2 or more attackers gain advantage if they attack a lone footman.
  • 5 or more attackers gain advantage if they attack 2 footmen who are side-by-side or back-to-back.
  • 2 or more horsemen or footmen with Long Spears or Bills get advantage attacking a lone horseman.
  • If footmen make a close formation that is at least 4 men wide, and all of them are wielding round shields, they are said to be in a Shield Wall. All attacks (ranged or melee) made against a Shield wall are made with disadvantage.

Ranged Attacks

  • Ranged and thrown weapons are noted as such in their descriptions.
  • Thrown weapons have a maximum range of 50' (10”) while ranged weapons may reach the entire battlefield.
  • Ranged attacks are at disadvantage at 150' (30“), while thrown attacks are at disadvantage at 25' (5”).
  • Targets with cover also impose disadvantage on ranged or thrown attacks.
  • A target in a roofed area through a window, is automatically AC 17.
  • A target behind an arrow slit is automatically AC 21.

Spiritual Attacks

  • Spirits, such as ghosts, demons, etc. are not corporeal and thus cannot attack or be attacked by physical means. No weapons, even magical ones can do any damage to them. Holy Blessed weapons (see the 5th level Divine spell Holy Weapon) are the only exception.
  • Spells that do physical damage do not effect Spirits. Examples:
  • Divine Magic spells that do points of damage, however, do inflict damage on non-corporeal spirits.
  • When they attack, they attack their target's INT, WIS or CHA. When a character's INT is reduced to 0, he becomes feeble minded. When a character's WIS is reduced to 0, he becomes stark-raving mad. When a character's CHA is reduced to 0, he has been possessed by the Spirit, who now controls his body.
combat.1575822370.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/12/08 16:26 by andrew