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The Endless Pit of the Second World is filled with demons, but none more ubiquitous than the near infinite horde of Corruptor Demons. These creatures exist only for destruction, ruin, appetite, and suffering. They are completely invisible in Mundane World, but those with the Second Sight testify that they look like little blobs or detached body parts carried aloft by bat-like wings.

It is the Corruptor Demons that are embodied to animate Imps, Pit Spawn and Guardian Corpses. However, they are most dangerous when they enter into the souls of living people and corrupt them (see Corruption for details).

A corruptor demon must pass a morale check before attempting to attack a Zealot.

CORRUPTOR DEMON (1 HD Predator) Disembodied Spirit, cannot attack or be attacked Physically

  • AC: 8; HD 1 HP 5
  • Resistance: 12;
  • Mods: W -2/N+2/S+3
  • Speed: 25' (can move through physical objects)
  • Morale: -2
  • Stealth +3, Perception +2
  • Attack: -2 Damage: 1d8 (vs Spirits only)
  • Corruption Attack: +3, if attack exceeds the target's Wis Bonus plus 10, demon inhabits soul causing 1 point of Corruption.
  • Evil, Demon

S+2, D+2 C-2, I+3 ,W+2,Ch+2

corruptor.1579552690.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/01/20 20:38 by dave