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Any combatant that reaches 0 hit points is incapacitated and unable to act. They’re dead if not stabilized within 1 minute or by the end of the fight (whichever is later).

Damage Types

There are thirteen damage types

  • Slashing
  • Piercing
  • Bludgeoning
  • Acid
  • Fire
  • Cold
  • Lightning
  • Poison
  • Radiant
  • Necrotic
  • Thunder
  • Force
  • Psychic

Resistance, Vulnerability, and Immunity

Certain monsters or characters may have abilities which make them resistant to fire damage or vulnerable to acid damage, for example. Each of these essentially acts as a modifier to the total damage taken by that specific type of damage. If multiple types of damage are done, the damage modifier is only applied to the relevant damage rather than the total.

Resistance: The target takes half damage

Vulnerability: The target takes double damage

Immunity: The target takes zero damage

Death and Injury

RollInjury Result
1A false hope, you’re dead
2 Feeble: lose 1d6 STR
3 Shaky: lose 1d6 DEX
4 Weak: lose 1d6 CON
5 Concussed: lose 1d6 INT
6Depressed: lose 1d6 WIS
7Disfigured: lose 1d6 CHA
8-13 Lose a body part (GM’s choice)
14-19 Disadvantage all checks until rest
20 Standing: instantly heal 1d8 HP

Design Notes

Copied from 5TD. Should we put death saves back in? The way it is here, it is REALLY hard to kill a PC.

damage.1578455842.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/01/08 03:57 by andrew