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Divine Spells

Divine spells require a Holy Symbol to cast, in place of components. Unless it states otherwise, each spell requires a Spell Casting roll (Wisdom Bonus, plus Proficiency bonus) and uses an Attack action.


Cantrips can be cast at will, requiring no spell roll or components.

  • Illuminate :caster creates heavenly torch light from his hand, lasts as long as he concentrates.
  • Reforge: caster repairs a damaged mundane item, up to human size.
  • Providence: as a quick action, yourself or touched ally gets +1 on next check.
  • Stable Touch: caster causes any wounded target touched to stabilize immediately.
  • Stench of Evil: caster can smell evil-aligned creatures while he concentrates.

First Level

  • Heal Wound: as a quick action, heals 1d8 hit points of damage to a target within 30' in line of sight.
  • Turn Undead: Undead targets within 30', of HD less than current level must flee.
  • Full Armor of God: affects caster only, gives advantage to all defensive checks against evil-aligned enemies. Lasts for 10 minutes or 1 fight.
  • Wages of Sin: all targets that can hear you and that are incapacitated die.
  • Thy Rod and Thy Staff: summons a mace that you can wield and that does 1d10+WIS damage, it lasts 1 minute per level.

Second Level

  • Restraining Hand of the Angels: 2 HD/level worth of targets within 30' have movement reduced to 0' for 1 hour.
  • Purify: all poisons. contagions and blights latent in a radius equal to your check roll are removed.
  • Holy Chant: All allies that can hear you gain +1 to all checks as long as you chant (concentrate).
  • Our Daily Bread: one target per level is granted nourishment equal to 1 meal.
  • I Shall Fear No Evil: you or 1 ally are immune to Fear for 1 minute per level.
  • Sticks to Snakes - Exodus 7:10; You transform up to 3 ordinary wooden sticks within range into venomous snakes for 10 minutes. Snakes are AC:13 and have10 hit points. Snakes attack as the spellcaster using WIS bonus, dealing 1 piercing damage and the target must make a Constitution saving throw, taking 2d6 poison damage.

Third Level

  • Full Armor of God: you and all allies within 10' gain +2 AC for 1 minute or concentration.

Hex Break

  • Pax Vobiscum: all targets within 30' have no wish to fight for 1min/level.
  • Smite the Godless: You or 1 ally gain advantage to all attacks vs. evil for 1 turn/level.
  • Wait in Silence for the Lord: all forms of noise are silenced within 30', concentration.
  • Great Heal: must be cast as a ritual, but still requires the recipient to make a WIS save to be effective. It cures all wounds, repairs destroyed/lost limbs, restores sight and hearing. If the saving throw fails, the recipient must confess his sins, carry out penance and receive communion from a bishop before he can receive another attempt.
  • Summon Bears (2 Kings 2:23-25): 1d4 black bears appear and attack any person or creature that has attacked or mocked the bald head of the caster. 2 combat rounds per level.

Fourth Level

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Fifth Level

Geas Commune Sanctify Sanctuary Transcendence

  • Behold His Mighty Hand (The Ten Commandments, near the end) You call on the grace of God to part the waters of a river, lake or strait of the sea to let your people pass. The path through the waters is as wide, as long, as deep and lasts as long as is necessary to Lord's purpose.

The Sacraments

These are key rituals that can be performed by ordained clergy, NPC or PC. These sacraments require no spell casting roll, if a properly ordained clergyman performs the ceremony, it is effective, regardless of his personal qualities or skill.

  • Baptism: first step of initiation into Christianity, removes the disadvantage to resist spiritual attack permanently.
  • Confirmation: second step of initiation, permanently gives the Christian proficiency bonus in defending against spiritual attacks.
  • Communion: third step of initiation, gives Christian advantage in defending against spiritual attack, from Communion to the next commission of sin. Communion can be repeated as needed, following confession of sin and appropriate penance.
  • Penance: a priest or bishop, who hears confession of sin, can assign a task as penance for attonement of sin, making one eligible to receive communion.
  • Anointing of the Sick: gives a sick person advantage on saves/checks to resist the disease.
  • Marriage: sanctify a union
  • Holy Orders: bishops only, ordain someone as a deacon, priest or bishop.
divine_spells.1575128213.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/11/30 15:36 by dave