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Divine Miracles

Divine spells (also called “miracles”) require a spellcasting check and a Holy Symbol to cast, in place of components. Unless noted otherwise, each spell takes an attack action. Spells are more or less powerful, noted by spell level. Failing the check triggers a mishap with unintended consequences, and the spellcaster can’t attempt spells of that spell spell level again until they take a safe rest.

Spellcasting PCs know and can cast 3 cantrips. These are rote, simple, relatively weak spells that the PC has mastered. They require no spellcasting check or components and can always be used.

Spellcasting PCs know a number of spells based on the PC’s and spell level. Known spells can be cast by the spellcaster.

PC Level1st2nd3rd4th5th
553 1
654 2
755 3 1
855 4 2
955 5 3 1

The columns relate to the spell level, while rows are class level. A level 4 caster would know four 1st level and two 2nd level spells.

Casting a spell generally requires an Active action. Each spell in the spell lists defines its requirements, duration, and whether the spellcasting check is a magical attack requiring the check to beat the target's defense (e.g. 10 + the target’s relevant modifier) to be successful. Each spell, apart from Cantrips and Rituals, is either marked C for Spell Casting Roll needed, or A for casting roll that must exceed target's defense rating, or R for spell that can only be cast as a ritual. If the spell is marked S it will inflict its effect even on disembodied spirits.

Spellcasters can cast any known spell as a ritual. This takes 1 hour per spell level of concentration, but doesn't require a check.

Some spells last as long as concentration is held. Only one spell can be concentrated on at a time. Taking damage, making checks, or other distracting tasks may break concentration.


First Level

Second Level

Third Level

  • Angelic Sentinels - Within 15' your enemies movement is halved and you may inflict 1D8/3 levels radiant save for half (C)
  • Full Armor of God - All your allies within 15' gain +2 AC for as one minute (C)
  • Guardians of Elisha - You summon 1D4 bears to serve you for 10 minutes (C)
  • It Shall Not Avail - You remove harmful conditions and heal if cast as a ritual (C)
  • Light of the World - You and your allies within 30' gain advantage on WIS checks and all healing is maximized (C)
  • Pax Vobiscum - All within 30' of a point you can see have no wish to fight for 10 minutes (A,S)
  • Restoration - You cure wounds, heal severed limbs, and repair organs of the faithful (C,R)
  • Sanctuary - You create a 20'x20' area evil can't enter (C,S)
  • Smite the Godless - You gain advantage on spells and attacks against evil (C)
  • Words of Purification - You dispel magic or eject a spirit or demon from a possessed body (A)

Fourth Level

  • Behold His Mighty Hand - Conjure or control air, earth, fire or water (C)
  • Blessing of St. James - You touch a weapon and it becomed blessed for 1 hour(C)
  • Blessing of St. Luke - 1 target/level within 30' of you is healed 3d8 points of damage. (C)
  • Eye for an Eye - For ten minutes whenever a creature damages you they immediately take 1d8 radiant damage. (C, S)
  • Get Behind Me, Satan - All disembodied spirits within 100' flee in terror for 1d6 hours. (A, S)
  • Holy Dawn - You concentrate on a 40' aura which burns evil creatures and spirits for 1D4 radiant (C,S)
  • Messenger of Death - An angel of the lord appears to slay for you
  • Protection From Death - The first time your target would drop to 0 hit points, the target instead drops to 1 hit point (C)
  • Requiescat in Pace - All undead with HD less than you within 30' are destroyed. (A)
  • Righteous Freedom - This magic prevents limits to an ally's movement (C)

Fifth Level

  • Almighty Guidance - You provide yourself or an ally with advantage on all attacks and checks while forcing disadvantage on attacks and checks against them (C)
  • Blessing of the Holy Spirit - You heal or harm all in 20' radius area for 4D8 radiant (A,S)
  • Commne - You may question an angel or a saint
  • Divine Word - You utter a divine word which drives off demons and disables mortals
  • Fire of the Lord - You do a ton of fire damage in a 10' radius area (A)
  • Holy Aura - You create a 30' aura that provides advantage to allies while forcing disadvantage on attacks and checks against them (C)
  • Holy Weapon - You consecrate a weapon to the cause of Righteousness (R)
  • Quest - Your touched target must complete a stated, achievable, quest, until the target succeeds or dies (A)
  • Raise Dead - You return a dead creature to life (R)
divine_spells.1579205949.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/01/16 20:19 by andrew