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Looking somewhat like the demons or human art, Dreaded Man-bats have human-like torsos and legs, but large bat-like wings, and an ugly bat-like head with two small horns. Created by Atlantean sorcerers as a tribute to their demonic masters, they still fly about causing death and suffering. They famously can become invisible simply by finding a spot of shadow or near-darkness and not moving.


  • AC: 10; HD 4 HP 17
  • Resistance: 10;
  • Mods: W 0/N+4/S+6
  • Speed: 30', Fly 60'
  • Morale: +0
  • Stealth +6, Perception +4
  • Attack: +0 Damage: 1d10–slash claws
  • Attack from Stealth +6, 2d6 damage and stun 1 round, slash, claws
  • Ranged attack: +4, 2d6 damage, bludgeoning, dropped rock from flight
  • Invisibility: if they find a spot of shadow or near-darkness and don't move, cannot be seen
  • Terror: human NPC's must roll morale if they witness ally attacked by stealth

S+4, D+4, C+0, I+6,W+4,Ch+4

dreaded_man-bats.1579028325.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/01/14 18:58 by dave