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Duda the Simple

Player: Andrew
English, Soldier, Level-2
Str 16 (+3), Dex 12 (+1), Con 14 (+2), Int 10 (+0), Wis 9 (-1), Cha 8 (-1)
Armor Class: Average Mail and Shield - 17
Hit Points: 19
Proficiencies: heavy armor, light armor, shields, simple weapons, martial weapons, STR and CON checks
Skills: Athletics, Riding, Investigation, Perception, Gambling
Languages: Primary: English: Secondary: No

Class Features:

  • Counter-attack in melee as a Quick action up to twice a turn
  • Gained the Tactics skill

Special Feature: Ghostly Twin - After your friend/mentor/henchman died, you've found that you could continue to hear their voice whisper in your ear giving you timely advice and keeping you safe. You may reroll one D20 check per safe rest.

Background: Too tough to be promoted and too boring to die, Duda left Kingston for the North after being overlooked for advancement yet again as part of the caravan guardsmen. He still hears his father's voice telling him to watch his back and driving him to find his fortune on the frontier.

Retainers and Horses: Duda loves and pampers his old nag and only friend, Lydia. Duda is the leader of a small mercenary company uncreatively known as “Duda's Dudes” based out of the log cabin he paid to have built by the river to protect against incursion from Deadman's Town.

Will: Duda names his younger English cousin Algar as his inheritor if he should pass.

XP Log


  • 50XP - Duda paid for Cooper to put up a rickety watchtower by the river just North of Worm's Ferryhouse. (1/23/1130)
  • 650XP - Retroactive totaled the XP award
  • 50XP - Session 8 (no show)
  • 200XP - Session 9 (active)
  • 50XP - Session 10 (no show)
  • 100XP - Session 11 (GM - inactive)
  • 53XP - Upkeep since 1/1/1130 until 4/15/1130
  • 200XP - Session 12 (GM)
  • 23XP - Upkeep 4/16/1130 to 5/31/1130
  • 50xp - Session 13 (mini-session)
  • 100XP - Session 14 (inactive)
  • 200XP - Session 15 (active)
  • 200XP - Session 16 (active)
  • 33XP - Upkeep 6/1/1130 - 7/31/1130
  • 200XP - Session 17 (active)
  • 46XP - Buying “customized” leather armor for the "new dudes"
  • 200XP - Session 18 (active)
  • 100XP - Session 19 (inactive)
  • 31XP - Buying “customized” leather armor for the "new dudes"
  • 100XP - Session 20 (inactive)
  • 250XP - Upkeep for “The Dudes” through 08/31/1130
  • 85XP - Payout for the odd jobs “The Dudes” did in August 1130

Gold Log


  • +859 - 4/16/1130
  • -46 - Upkeep 4/16/1130 until 5/31/1130 for Duda and his nag
  • +150 - Found an Atlantean orb in the mud near the river (GM share for Session 12)
  • +30 - Session 13 from Croktars (6/2/1130)
  • +370 - Session 16
  • -46 - Upkeep 6/1/1130 - 7/16/1130 for Duda and his nag
  • -21 - Upkeep 7/17/1130 - 7/31/1130 for Duda and his nag (after Duda becomes second level)
  • -700 - On 7/17/1130 Duda commissions the building of a large cabin by the watchtower to house his future adventuring mercenary company, “Duda's Dudes.”
  • -6 - Robbed by the jerks at Whizzo's
  • +140 - Session 17
  • -46 - “customized” leather armor for The Dudes
  • +3233 - An inheritance from an old employer he worked for who passed on. (GM share of gold for Session 18)
  • -31 - “customized” leather armor for The Dudes
  • -23 - Upkeep for “The Dudes” until 08/07/1130 when the company house is completed
  • -120 - Wereguild for fighting in Rufus Fisher's Red Cod Inn
  • -227 - Upkeep for “The Dudes” from 08/08/1130 to 08/31/1130
  • -77.5 - Upkeep from 8/1/1130 - 8/31/1130 for Duda and his beloved nag
  • -400 - Wooden stockade tower for “The Dudes” to watch the river toward Deadman's Town
duda.1614185690.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/02/24 16:54 by andrew