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Price Check:

Cottar 60gp 5gp1d6cp
Low Craftsman 60gp 5gp1d6cp
House Holder 120gp 10gp1d6sp
Middle Craftsman120gp 10gp1d6sp
Upper Craftsman1200gp 100gp1d6gp
Household Knight720gp60gp1d6gp
Lord (Thane of 1 hundred)5000gp400gp10-40gp
Wealthy Merchant12,000gp1000gp10-60gp
Earl (assuming 25 hundreds)78,000gp6500gp100-600gp
King (assuming 10 shires)900,000gp75,000gpsacks of jewels

Savings: figure that each household has cash savings equal to 1d12 times monthly income Ransom: formal ransom for anyone equals their yearly income

Laborer: anyone without land who works for someone else
Cottar: someone who works on a farm, but has a cottage and garden provided
Low Craftsman: poor shoemaker, etc.
House Holder: owner of 1 Hide of land, liable to militia service, freehold farmer
Middle Craftsman: village blacksmith, inn keeper, wagon maker
Upper Craftsman: armorer, silver smith
Housecarl: armed foot soldier kept by a lord.
Household Knight: armed, mounted knight kept by a lord
Lord: thane of a 100 Hide Hundred, leader of 100 House Holder
Wealthy Merchant: head of a merchant house, controlling several businesses, ships etc.
Earl: governor of a Shire of about 25 hundreds
King: ruler over about 10 shires


  • I wanted to sketch this out, based on the land system I worked out.
  • Obviously, the spending gold for XP applies only to PC's and Henchmen, so these figures don't impact the Level/HD of the NPCs.
  • Might want to make sure no PC is Earl or King until already high level
  • Really wanted to see if some of the high priced things, like Enchanter's Furnace and some of the magic items could indeed be bought by anyone. Indeed, there might be people who might take out loans, sell property to buy stuff in the 10,000-20,000gp range, a King could buy things in the 100,000gp range without difficulty, rare books might go for up to 6000gp. Maybe we should set a Market Value cap on prices, I don't know yet.
economics.1578661444.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/01/10 13:04 by dave