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Enchanted Tools

NameCostLoadDurabilityEffectSpecial Ingredient
Bag of Beansxxxgp12 yyyy
Bag of Holdingxxxgp12yyy
Bag of Tricksxxxgp12yyy
Bowl of Firexxxgp24yyy
Bowl of Visionxxxgp24yyy
Bowl of the Watersxxxgp24yyy
Broom of Cleaningxxxgp13yyy
Broom of Messagesxxxgp13yyy
Broom of the Witchxxxgp13yyy
Drums of Battlexxxgp24yyy
Drums of Deafnessxxxgp22yyy
Drums of Fearxxxgp22yyy
Flask of Cursesxxxgp12yyy
Flask of Fluidsxxxgp12yyy
Flask of Potionsxxxgp12yyy
Horn of Blastingxxxgp13yyy
Horn of Openingxxxgp13yyy
Horn of Warxxxgp13yyy
Lyre of Buildingxxxgp13yyy
Lyre of Charmingxxxgp13yyy
Lyre of Openingxxxgp13yyy
Rope of Climbingxxxgp13yyy
Rope of Constrictingxxxgp13yyy
Rope of Entanglingxxxgp13yyy
Saw of Clear Cuttingxxxgp55yyy
Shovel of Big Diggingxxxgp55yyy
Sledge of the Giantsxxxgp55yyy
Stone of Luckxxxgp14yyy
Stone of Pullxxxgp14yyy
Stone of Earthxxxgp14yyy
enchanted_tools.1578511840.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/01/08 19:30 by dave