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Enchanted Tools

NameCostLoadDurabilityEffectSpecial Ingredient
Bag of Airxxxgp12when the user inflates the bag with his breath, he can, the next round, summon an Air Spirit to do his bidding once per day for 10 minutes.
Bag of Holdingxxxgp112while it weighs 12 load, no matter what's in it, it can hold up to 200 Load of stuff.
Bag of Taurusxxxgp12this bag has 6 tokens each in the shape of a Bull. When the token is drawn out, a bull magically appears and serves the drawer until either one is slain. Only one bull can be active at a time. The bag fills back up to 6 tokens on January 1.
Bowl of Firexxxgp24when a fire is lit in the bowl, the next round the user can summon a Fire Spirit to his bidding once per day for 10 minutes.
Bowl of Visionxxxgp24when the bowl is filled with clear water, a scholar or zealot can gaze into it and see a specific place, person or thing up to 100 miles distant that he has a good description of the location of.
Bowl of the Watersxxxgp24when the bowl is filled with water, the next round the user can summon a Water Spirit to do his bidding once per day for 10 minutes.
Broom of Cleaningxxxgp13this broom will clean a designated area under its own power
Broom of Messagesxxxgp13this broom will fly on its own to a named person or place (moving 100' per turn) and sweep a message into the dirt near the target
Broom of the Witchxxxgp13this broom can fly through the air at 100' per turn, carrying 1 person, or 50' per turn if carrying 2 people
Drums of Battlexxxgp24as longer as the user pounds the drums, all allies in earshot have advantage to morale checks
Drums of Deafnessxxxgp22all enemies in earshot cannot hear anything over the drum pounding
Drums of Fearxxxgp22when user pounds on drums, enemies in earshot must check morale at disadvantage. Will continue to be at morale disadvantage if player continues to pound and other causes of morale check atise.
Flask of Cursesxxxgp12once per hour the user can sprinkle a cursed water from the flask that inflicts the cursed condition on a target.
Flask of Fluidsxxxgp12up to seven times per day the flask will pour out 1 quart of any non-magical liquid desired, but only a single type in any one day
Flask of Potionsxxxgp12flask contains 1d4+1 different potions, each may be drunk from the flask at a command word, each is replenished after one week
Horn of Blastingxxxgp13blowing this horn blasts a 10'x10'x10' breach in a wooden, brick or stone wall, can be used 7 times per week. Range 100'
Horn of Openingxxxgp13blowing this horn throws open all doors, locks and secret compartments within 60', but makes a very noticeable racket. Useable 7 times per week
Horn of Warxxxgp13blowing this horn gives all allies within earshot +2 to hit and damage if they charge on their next action after the horn is blown. Useable 7 times per week.
Lyre of Buildingxxxgp13playing this instrument negates a horn of blasting attack, useable up to 7 times per week. It can also be used to magically build, if played every day for a week it equals the labor of 100 men
Lyre of Charmingxxxgp13playing this lyre acts causes all listeners to make a Wisdom save or become charmed as long as the playing continues
Lyre of Openingxxxgp13playing this lyre acts as a knock spell, once per ten minutes.
Rope of Climbingxxxgp13a 100' long thin silken rope that will allow you to climg without a skill check and will tie and untie itself to secure the climb with a simple command word.
Rope of Constrictingxxxgp13lasso that once it hits, from up to 30' away does 1d12 each turn until target is dead or user releases.
Rope of Entanglingxxxgp13lasso that is thrown at target up to 30' away and will, on a hit, tie up and immobilize target.
Saw of Clear Cuttingxxxgp55a two man saw that will cut down a big tree in 5 rounds.
Shovel of Big Diggingxxxgp55shovel that will dig out a ten foot cube of dirt in one round
Sledge of the Giantsxxxgp55 huge .allet that can only be used by someone over 8' tall, will smash through this strongest gate in one blow, a wooden wall in 2, a brick wall in 4, a stone wall in 5 or a thick fortress wall in 8.
Stone of Luckxxxgp14one who carries the stone can reroll 1 roll made by him or against him once per hour.
Stone of Pullxxxgp14one object of metal of 5 load or less within 60'ed by the user will be pulled through the air rapidly to the stone
Stone of Earthxxxgp14when the stone is firmly planted in the earth, the next round the user can summon an Earth Spirit to his bidding once per day for 10 minutes.
enchanted_tools.1578534775.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/01/09 01:52 by dave