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Enchanted Gems, Jewels and Stones

NameCostLoadDurabilityEffectSpecial Ingredient
Gem of Absorption1000gp04this gem is a deep black in color and anytime a spell is cast at the holder, he can make a Charisma check, if it succeeds, the spell is absorbed into the gem. If the roll is a natural “1”, the gem explodes in a 20' radius for 6d8 points of damage.The ichor of a feaster
Gem of Light4000gpgp04this gem gives off bright light in a 60' radius. If it is crushed, however, it explodes in a 20' radius inflicting 6d8 damage to everyone.The tears of an elf-enchantress, freely given
Gem of Vision10,000gp04holding this gem up to one's eye allows the user to see things as the really are, sees spirits, invisible objects, through illusions.The eye of a Frost Jotun wizard
Jewel of Mistxxxgp03one who wears this jewel can summon a cloud of obscuring mist which follows the jewel and has a radius of 20', Perception is at a disadvantage in or looking into the cloud.
Jewel of Second Thought20,000gpgp03one who wears this jewel can, once per week, take back one unsuccessful action and try something elsea 1-load sack full of pixie dust
Jewel of Sparkles1000gp03one who wears this jewel is surrounded by tiny, bright sparkles, making it impossible to hide, but allowing sight in the dark for 10', and SPARKLESa bucket of dew from a meadow
Soul Gem50gp11Soul Gems are magic stones used for trapping spirits for the purpose of enchanting weapons and armor. To use the gem, a spellcaster presents this specially enchanted gem which begins to absorb the soul of a target disembodied spirit within 30'. After three consecutive successful magical attacks, each using the spellcaster's Active action the spirit is permanently trapped within the gem. After the first successful magical attack, the spirit cannot more farther than 30' from the spellcaster until they fail a consecutive magical attack, give up on the attack, or are incapacitated. The gem can hold a spirit of 1 HD for every 25gp of value of the gem used to create this item. If the gem isn't valuable enough to hold a particular spirit it is destroyed.A gem of 25gp value or more
Stone of Luck8000gp14one who carries the stone can reroll 1 roll made by him or against him once per hour.A leprechaun's walking stick
Stone of Pull200gp14One object of metal of 5 load or less within 60' designated by the user will be pulled through the air rapidly to the stone. This could potentially be used to disarm an enemy as an Active action. This object won't work if the wielder is wearing metal armor (i.e. heavy armor). eye of aLESSER LAND-WIGHT
Stone of Earth25,000gp14when the stone is firmly planted in the earth, the next round the user can summon an Earth Spirit to his bidding once per day for 10 minutes.soul gem containing an Earth Spirit
gems_jewels_and_stones.1578948073.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/01/13 20:41 by dave