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Herbs, Herbal Remedies and Herbal Concoctions

Common Herbals

The following herbs, herbal remedies, and concoctions can be commonly purchased from herbalist shops and can also be sought and prepared by characters with Herbalism skill. It takes 1 day and a successful Herbalism check to find and prepare one dose of any of the following items listed at 10gp or less, but 2 days if 11gp or more. However, if it is December through March, the check is made at disadvantage. All herbals weigh 0.05 of a load (20 per load).

Belladona10gp2If ingested after a lycanthrope bite, make a Con save: either die in one turn or be cured of lycanthropy.
Birthwort10gp2Applied as a poultice, gives 25% chance to re-roll failed poison save
Chaulmoogra Oil10gp2If poured on a dangerous slime infestation, 50% chance to wash off all the slime.
Comfrey10gp2Once per day per patient, heals 1d4 points of damage after battle.
Felwort10gp2If a tincture is splashed on the face, allows a second saving throw vs. paralysis.
Garlic5gp1Causes a vampire to cringe for 1d4 rounds
Goat's Rue10gp2Inhaled as a smoke, allows victim a Con save to escape dangerous parasites
Goldenrod10gp2If taken within a day of infection, 25% chance to avoid a disease
Healing Salve25gp3 smeared on injury and bandaged, causes 1 hour of sleep and cures 1d6 hp
Pipe Weed1sp1If made into a cigar or smoked in a pipe has a 10% chance to drive all the ladies from the room.
Tamarind10gp2If applied as a poultice within an hour of being hit, has a 25% chance of curing any rotting illness
Vermifuge10gp2Smoke from burning it kills all bookworms within 10'
White byrony10gp2If burnt and breathed, 25% to allow second save vs. mold or other dangerous spores. Handkerchief coated with it and held over nose gives +4 save vs. spores.
Wolfsbane10gp2If character strikes a lycanthrope with a sprig, it must save vs poison or flee as if turned.
Woundwart5gp1Applied to wounds, 1 dose per day, adds 1 extra hit point healed.

Exotic Herbals

The following herbs, concoctions and remedies must be imported from distant lands like Egypt or India. They can be bought an an herbalist (25% chance that 1d4 doses available each month you check). All herbals weigh 0.05 of a load (20 per Load).

Black Lotus250gp10Smoked or chewed, Con check, if passed regain ability to cast a spell level lost due to spell failure after trance of 10-40 minutes. If failed, fall into deep trance for 2d6 hours. On a roll of “1” fall trance lasts 2d6 days.
White Lotus100gp7Swallowing the flower gives an immediate re-roll of a failed poison save at +4 on the roll.
herbals.1575921173.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/12/09 19:52 by dave