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High Reeve Morcar

Appearance: Old, Dandyish

Personality: trusting and modest

An old hunting buddy of the current king, Morcar was rewarded with the post of Sheriff of Jorvikshire, protecting the king's laws and his estates in the shire. He honestly tries to do his best to protect the king's interests and promote justice, but tends to believe the last thing he was told. Earl Godric mistrusts him, thinking that he hopes to replace him and his line in the Earldom, but these fears are misguided.

Reeve Morcar has a few knights in his household who run errands and serve Morcar in his capacity of carrying out the wishes of the king. One of these knights is Leofric Dunstain, a sober and pious servant who thinks only of improving his station.

high_reeve_morcar_of_the_wood.1611338638.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/01/22 18:03 by dave