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Located along the Codfish Creek in the center of Jorvikshire, the town of Jorvikburg is the hub of activity for the Northern Frontier of the Kingdom of Nessex. It marks the center point of 4 Hundreds: North Jorvik, South Jorvik, East Jorvik and West Jorvik and has a population of 4000 within its walls. About 3000 of population are farm families who travel out to the “Hundreds” to work their land, but live inside the town. Many of these also sell homecrafted goods from their houses too (shoes, clothes and foodstuffs especially). The other 1000 are organized as an Urban Hundred (called Jorvikburg Hundred) and both dwell and work in the town itself, this includes many craftsmen, soldiers and court officials. All 5 Hundreds have the Earl of Jorvikshire as their personal Lord and he administers justice, collects taxes and leads the militia of these 5 hundreds personally.

Population Breakdown:
Knights: 40
Earl's Housecarls: 160
Militia: 400 (additional 100 live outside the walls in the Hundreds)
Laborers: 400 (additional 100 live outside the walls in the Hundreds)
Dirtbags: 160
Churchmen: 30
Wizards and Weirdos: 10
Women, Children, Old Folks: 2800

Inns: 3
Alehouses: 4
Churches: 3 (Cathedral, 1 smaller parish church, and 1 monastery church)
Armorers: 4
Blacksmiths: 8
Alchemist: 1
Herbalists: 2
Building Company: 2
Gangs: 2

jorvikburg.1580388898.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/01/30 12:54 by dave