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Spellcasting Mishaps

Arcane Spellcasting Mishaps

When an arcane spell has been cast, it often brings with it the unintended consequences of toying with forces beyond the spellcaster's control.

Magical Mishap Table

RollMishap Effect
1 Magical backlash! Caster takes 1d6/spell level force damage
2-3 All non-magical metal within 5' melts or takes 1 point of durability damage
4-5 Orb of darkness surrounds the party for one fight
6-7 Bizarre gravity, heavy or light
8-9 Caster emits blinding bright light to all
10-11 The spell affects the wrong target
12-13 Significant collateral damage
14-16 Caster is stunned, CON check to resist
17-19 Caster is weak, STR check to resist
20 A different, random spell is cast

Divine Spellcasting Mishaps

mishap.1577547081.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/12/28 15:31 by andrew