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Spellcasting Mishaps

Arcane Spellcasting Mishaps

When an arcane spell has been cast, it often brings with it the unintended consequences of toying with forces beyond the spellcaster's control.

Generic Magical Mishap Table

D20 RollMishap Effect
1Magical backlash! Caster takes 1d6/spell level force damage
2-3All non-magical metal within 5' melts or takes 1 point of durability damage
4-5Orb of darkness surrounds the party for one fight
6-7Bizarre gravity, heavy or light
8-9The caster emits blinding bright light
10-11The spell affects the wrong target
12-13The spell creates significant collateral damage
14-16The caster is stunned for one round
17-19The caster gains a level of exhaustion, CON check to resist
20 A different, random spell is cast

Alternately, tables based on the particular type of arcane magic may be used instead at the GM's discretion.

Abjuration Magical Mishap Table

D20 RollMishap Effect
1Magical backlash! Caster takes 1d4/spell level force damage
2The caster is cursed to permanently take 1 point of force damage, each time they cast a spell in the future
3The caster or a random ally is entombed alive in a crystal of pure magical force, effectively petrifying them for 10 minutes| |4|The joints in their legs and torso of the caster are locked solid by an unyielding force which keeps them from moving [[conditions#restrained|restraining them for 10 minutes
5-6The spellcaster can't speak for the next minute, instead creating noises like breaking glass
7-8The spellcaster loses the ability to hear anything for the next minute, instead only hearing noises like breaking glass
9The spellcaster magically gains +6 temporary hit points
10-11The spell affects the wrong target, perhaps helping an enemy rather than allies
12-13The caster is drained, until their next safe rest
14-16The caster is stunned for one round
17-19The caster gains a level of exhaustion, CON check to resist
20 A different, random abjuration spell is cast

Spiritualism Magical Mishap Table

D20 RollMishap Effect
1Magical backlash! Caster takes 1d6/spell level psychic damage
2The spellcaster is cursed to have mischievous spirits begin to follow them around, animating their mundane equipment and possessions
3The caster's visage is permanently made strange and horrible to those in the spirit world. It can also be seen in mirrors or other reflective surfaces which could trigger a WIS check or gain a level of stress
4The caster is cursed never to lie, instead choking out a putrescent flem-like paste from their mouth whenever they try to tell a falsehood
5The caster's shadow disappears only to return in a few days with help to murder the spellcaster and his allies as they prepare to rest
6The next door the caster opens leads to the spirit realm
7The caster attracts the attention of a powerful malevolent spirit who schemes to take possession of the caster's body at their next rest
8-9For the next minute, the spellcaster can see any invisible creatures
10-11A thunderous light and sound echoes through the spirit world, potentially drawing the attentions of demons and spirits nearby
12-13The caster is drained, until their next safe rest
14-15The caster is stunned for one round
16-17 Caster gains a level of exhaustion, CON check to resist
18-19 The caster gains a level of stress as they catch themselves peering too deep into the infinite of the spirit realm, WIS check to resist
20 A different, random spiritualism spell is cast

Divine Spellcasting Mishaps

I've got some different ideas here for spellcasting mishaps. –AHS

  • A temporary hole opens up between the second world and the mundane world
  • The spellcasting attracts the interest of a denizen of the second world
  • The spellcasting attracts the interest of a denizen of the realm of light who wants a favor; reroll the spell check but the spellcaster must complete a boon for the angel
  • The spellcasting attracts the interest of a spirit that only they can perceive who attacks/haunts/pesters the zealot until an appropriate exorcism is completed
  • The fire of the Lord falls inappropriately, consuming an ally who is a nonbeliever.
mishap.1579271818.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/01/17 14:36 by andrew